Thursday, 15 August 2019

What Causes Arthritis In Dogs

Arthritis in dogs is often an age-related condition. It can occur when the cartilage in the joint deteriorates and wears down exposing the bone underneath. Affected dogs suffer from pain and mobility problems. There are many reasons why the joint cartilage deteriorates. These include:

  •  Congenital conditions that affect the joints. Common examples include hip dysplasia or elbow dysplasia.

  •  Joint degeneration occurs with age.

  •  Carrying excess weight can put unnecessary pressure on the weight-supporting joints of the body which can accelerate the degeneration of the joint.

  •  Injury of the joint or ligament supporting the joint that causes abnormal conformation and movement of the joint.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for arthritis. The treatment regimen is aimed at pain alleviation and slowing the progress of the problem by supporting joint health. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is a common medication prescribed for pain relief. But these should not be given to dogs without consulting a veterinarian Carolina Forest, SC because of its potential side effects. Joint supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin have been shown to help slow down the deterioration of the joint and support joint health. Learn more here.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Creating a routine for your pet

You have a pet in your life who needs to be able to have a sense of control over her daily routine. This means making sure your little fur ball has a routine to follow so she can anticipate what will come next.

To create a routine, you will need to evaluate what activities need to be done throughout the day and consider what you can do to help create a pattern for your pet to follow. Think about what makes sense for your family and what you can keep up in the long run. Try to do your best to stick to the same activities at the same times each day to offer your pet some stability, and aim to take part in these activities in the same order as well. Your local vet clinic Green Bay, WI  can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

What your pet needs to learn from you

You have decided to open your home up to a new addition and you can’t wait to look after a pet of your very own. What can you do to teach her everything she needs to know?

The key to figuring out what information that will be helpful to your pet is simply understanding what she needs to learn. Think about what she already knows and what habits have already been established. Help her grow from these by expanding her horizons. Make sure she is able to meet her needs and that you show her efficient ways to do so. Be sure to deter her from hazardous items and areas of your home where she shouldn’t be spending time. In general, you will be teaching her how to lead her best life within the home you’ve provided to her. Your professional vet  clinic  Louisville, CO can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Caring for a shy feline friend

You have a cat in your life who needs to be able to enjoy her time in your care and you know that she will need to be able to comfortable in your home for this to happen. How can you care for a shy feline friend?

Looking after a cat who is on the shy side tends to bring up a few specific challenges. You will need to be very vigilant with a pet like this, as her needs may be a bit more difficult to recognize. It’s also important to get to know her personality and determine how you can help her feel safe and secure by your side so she will be able to come out and interact with you on terms she can accept. Your local vet Dunn, NC can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Heartworm In Dogs

Heartworm disease affects both cats and dogs, but primarily dogs. It is caused by the mosquito-borne parasite known as Dirofilaria immitis. The adult heartworms dwell in the right chamber of the heart and major blood vessels that connect the heart and lungs. The presence of the worms has a negative impact on heart function and lung capacity. Heartworm infection can cause death in pets.

Some cats and dogs that carry heartworms don’t show any clinical symptoms, making them asymptomatic carriers. If clinical signs are manifested, the problem is already well-advanced and is more difficult and challenging to treat. Affected pets may have a chronic cough, have poor tolerance to exercise and in rare occasions, sudden death may occur.

Prevention is very important than treatment when it comes to protecting your pet against infection. Talk to your vet Ellicott City, MD about the best way to protect your pet against heartworms. Learn more here.

Feeding Pet Chinchillas

In their natural habitats in the South American Andes Mountains, chinchillas eat grass, tree barks, and other types of low-growing plants. Their diet is rich in fiber and calcium which promotes healthy teeth and bones.

In order to meet their dietary needs as pet, there is a need to mimic their natural diet. Thus, pet chinchillas thrive with good quality Timothy hay that should be available at all times. Provide fresh fruit and veg as treats or snacks, however, do give them in moderation because the high moisture content of these foods can increase the risk of bloating, diarrhea, or colic. Complete the diet by feeding a moderate amount of chinchilla pellets. If available, pelleted forms are better than the mixed formula because chins are likely to pick out only the tasty parts and leave other stuff behind which can lead to a poor diet.

Know more about your pet’s dietary needs by consulting your vet Columbia, MD .

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Your Cat and Milk

Most people think that a cat drinking a saucer of milk is an idyllic image. Your cat will nurse her mother’s milk but once she is weaned, she should get enough vitamins and minerals from her food. Thus there isn’t a need to supplement her diet with milk or other dairy products. Cow’s milk can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea or stomach cramping since many cats are lactose intolerant. Your cat may be able to handle milk without any issues. You may find it nearly impossible to keep your cat away from milk because she just loves it. If you feed your cat a balanced diet, any extras, including milk, will throw off this balance. Thus it is best to avoid giving your cat milk and other dairy products. If you must give your cat milk as a treat, give her very small quantities. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Newmarket, ON.