Cats display various behaviors just to get the attention of their owners. If you spend regular time playing and interacting with your furball, you will be able to distinguish attention-seeking behaviors from those that indicate illness or anxiety.
When your cat meowing sounds alarming and distraught, it might be due to some health problems such as pain, hunger, thirst, and other issues. A visit to a veterinary clinic is highly recommended.
Attention-seeking behaviors
Cats also like to have some company even if they are less friendly than dogs. They will annoy you with their wailing and inviting you to play with him. Some cats also tend to meow louder if their owners appear to ignore them. While attention-seeking behaviors might seem cute, reinforcing them can lead to headaches down the road. A cat that is used to getting his way can develop undesirable habits that may become a challenge to get rid of.
Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Newmarket ON.