Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Why Do Dogs Vomit?

There are many reasons why dogs vomit. It could be as simple as eating something that doesn’t agree with their system or it could be a serious obstruction along any part of their digestive tract. Because of their scavenging habits, dogs can eat decayed material that can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract called ‘gastroenteritis’. Consumption of foods that are rich in fats and oils can also cause a dog to vomit. In cases of poisoning,   vomit can be a prominent symptom. Vomiting, especially when it’s already several times without or without accompanying symptoms, should require a prompt visit to your animal hospital Washington DC as this can be a red flag of a more serious medical issue that needs proper medical attention. Some illnesses in which vomiting may be present include heavy parasite load, pyometra, nervous system conditions, liver disease, and diabetes among others. Learn more here.

Transmission of Heartworms in Black Sable Ferrets


Ferrets like the Black Sable ferret can be susceptible to heartworms in much the same way as dogs and cats? The disease; however, is more serious for ferrets due to their size. A heartworm is usually a foot-long worm that is capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your ferret. The disease can be fatal as it can cause permanent damage to your ferret’s heart and lungs. Unlike dogs and cats, it only takes a single heartworm to cause permanent damage to your ferret’s organs. Heartworm disease is transmitted in ferrets from mosquitoes. Adult female heartworms produce baby worms that circulate in the bloodstream. The mosquito picks up these baby worms when it sucks the blood from the infected ferret. It takes 10 to 14 days for the baby worms to enter the infective stage. Larvae are then deposited when the mosquito bites another ferret. Learn more or call your animal hospital Wichita KS.

What’s The Best Crate Size For Your Pet?

One huge factor in housetraining could be something that will surprise you and that is the correct crate size for your pet. You might be enticed to buy a larger size of crate for your pet because of its price compared to the smaller ones but remember in doing so, you will allow your pet to designate a portion of its crate for elimination.

There are several kinds of crates for dogs. If you can afford something that has adjustable panels, it will help you save money because you can expand it while your dog is growing as well.

The size of the right crate should allow your pet to turn around and lie down in it. The space between your pet’s head and the top of the crate should be about 3 to 4 inches while standing or sitting.

Learning more about crate size from your local vet Washington DC will help you in making this decision.

New Pet for the New Year


vet Shreveport LA

Are you looking to bring a new pet into your home during the New Year? If so, then you may want to talk to your local vet first. Tell him about your family and whether you have small children or not. Your vet may be able to recommend a particular pet that will fit your family dynamic. However you go about choosing your new pet, it’s a good idea to make it a family ordeal. Bringing the family into the decision process can help later on when you need the entire family to come together to care for the pet. Before going out to buy or adopt your new family friend, make sure your kids, spouse or even you do not have any allergies. Make sure your home is big enough or small enough for the type of pet you are looking for. If you need help making a decision feel free to call your vet Shreveport, LA.

Monday, 11 January 2021

Caring for Airedale Terrier "Mama" during Weaning


If you are in the process of weaning puppies like the Airedale Terriers, make sure you are providing for the needs of the puppies as well as that of the mother. It’s important to make sure you’re feeding the puppies and the mother the right amounts of food during this time. For instance, you need to set up a schedule for weaning the pups from their mother’s milk. Sticking to a schedule can help prevent the mother Airedale from overproducing milk, which can cause painful or enlarged mammary glands. You want to make sure the puppies receive an adequate source of milk during the process while at the same time slowly weaning them. Remember weaning the puppies off of their mother’s milk also helps the mother to slowly dry up and stop milk production. Decreasing the milk supply of the mother will mean decreasing the food intake as well. Work with your veterinarians San Diego, CA before decreasing the mother’s food.

Caring for an American Bobtail Mother Cat


Are you raising a cat like the American Bobtail cat and her litter of kittens? If so, make sure you consult with your vet on the weaning process and how to take care of the mother cat. Your vet can help you set up a timeline for weaning and give you information on how to care for the kittens and the mother throughout this process. One of the main things you don’t want to do is forget to focus on the mother’s needs. For instance, did you know that once you start the weaning process you will need to start decreasing the mother’s food? You should have increased it to help her produce milk. Now that the weaning process has started you should start cutting her back to her normal amount. Ask your vet Carmel Valley about removing the kittens from their mother in small amounts of time so she doesn’t panic.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Hyperthyroidism in Cats


Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder that can affect felines, especially senior cats. It occurs when the thyroid gland is enlarged and releases too many hormones. The enlargement of the thyroid can be due to tumor growth, which can be benign or malignant. Hyperthyroidism symptoms include weight loss, hyperactivity, increased appetite, increased water intake, and increased urine output. Cats with hyperthyroidism usually have an unkempt appearance. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism involves a physical check of the neck area for thyroid enlargement and blood tests to confirm the hormone levels. There are treatments available for hyperthyroidism in cats, including medications to regulate the release of thyroid hormones and the surgical removal of the thyroid. Another is radioactive iodine therapy which involves the one-time injection of radioactive iodine that targets abnormal thyroid tissues. Each treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. It is best to always discuss first with a vet Louisville, KY the available treatment most suitable for your pet cat’s hyperthyroidism. Visit their profile to know more.