Saturday, 25 June 2022

Cleaning of Substrate in Snake Enclosures


When taking care of reptiles, routine cage care is a must. A clean enclosure helps in keeping pet snakes healthy, safe and comfortable.

The lining at the bottom of your tank that provides a natural and pleasant environment for your snake is called the substrate. A snake may dig into anything, such as layers of paper towels down to underneath smooth sand. Old newspaper, cypress mulch, aspen shavings, and dried leaves are all appropriate materials. The ones we use are made of live oak. Avoid using too much cedar or fragrant wood shavings.

You should regularly clean and replenish the substrate as it also acts as a holding area for your snake's waste. Cleaning the whole tank along with this is a good idea. Water with mild soap, glass cleaners with alcohol-base, and dilute Clorox® and Roccal® solutions are all good cleansers. The use of pine cleansers or anything that contains phenol should be avoided.

Your veterinarian Michigan City, IN is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Friday, 24 June 2022

What To Do When Your Rabbit Keeps On Peeing On The Couch


Almost every pet rabbit had perfect habits in the litter box. But then, your rabbit may suddenly hop and pee on your couch. Indeed, such scenarios are a frustration to many rabbit owners. You may respond to this by completely banning your pet from the area where he notoriously pees. You may also use "snappy trainers" to stop him from jumping on the couch. This way, you can establish yourself as the "Top Bunny" on the hierarchy.

It's also best to ensure that it's not a simple case where a rabbit loses his manners. If you notice more accidents outside the litter box, retrain your pet by limiting his space, along with other litter training tips. In addition, spaying/neutering is another great way to calm the hormones of your rabbit, reducing his tendency to mark territories. Knowing facts about spaying/neutering rabbits is undoubtedly essential for many pet parents.

If you have questions and/or concerns about neutering or spaying rabbits, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian Lexington, KY

What Are The Basic Considerations When Hand-Rearing Kittens?


Caring for kittens comes with a huge responsibility. You have to be ready not only financially, but most especially physically and emotionally. You must be equipped with proper information so you can do the job well. 

Depending on the case of your kittens, you may need to hand-rear them. Hand-rearing is applicable when the mother cat cannot do her role in taking care of her kittens. But you must understand numerous elements to consider in implementing this procedure. Here are some of the things you need to provide the kittens with:

  • Necessary warm and tidy living environment
  • Hygienic and beneficial feeding regimen
  • Ample attention to toilet practices (defecation and urination)
  • Attention to their overall health and well-being

The kittens that undergo hand-rearing may face several problems, including chilling, starvation, and dehydration. These conditions may lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar when not given proper and urgent medical attention. Remember that kittens are weak and sensitive at this point in their lives.

If you decide to be the carer of the kittens, ensure that you have the time for them and willingness to make sacrifices to help the young cats thrive and survive.

Your veterinarian Norwalk, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Cat Supply Basics: Cat Food


Have you adopted a kitten? Congratulations on making this decision. Being a fur parent is a life-changing experience as it can impact your life greatly. But be sure you are equipped with all the necessary things and knowledge so you can do the job. 

One of the basic things you need to remember in keeping a kitten is the food. What nutrients do these little felines need? What types of food are suited for your kitten? What are the elements you need to consider in choosing the right food for your cat? 

Understand that cat food comes in two forms: dry and wet. Dry cat foods are tiny kibbles that are available in different flavors and shapes. The wet cat food is a normally shredded product and canned pâte.

Listed below are some things you need to consider in planning for your cat’s mealtime:

  • Age
  • Body type
  • Bread
  • Health needs

Your new kitten may be sensitive to food or picky. So, be prepared to provide your cat with several options of food types in case your cat fails to like what you have chosen.

 A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or eating habits should prompt a visit to your animal clinic  San Diego, CA. 

Dog Chewing Paws and Nails: Reasons and How to Help


Dogs have the habit of licking and chewing. Every dog lover knows that it is quite natural to watch your dog licking its paws and nails. However, there is a limit to this as more frequent licking and chewing can be a sign that your dog is sick with some inflammatory condition. 

Dogs chewing Paws and Nails: Is it Normal? 

Brief sessions of chewing and licking especially after a walk or play sessions are pretty normal behavior by dogs. Sometimes dogs also start licking before they relax and settle into their bed.

You should be aware of any irregular pattern of licking shown by your dog. For instance, if licking becomes more frequent and aggressive, it can be a sign that something is going wrong. If the licking lasts for more than 15 minutes and the paws of your pet appear red afterward you need to inspect your dog's feet and get the necessary help from a veterinarian  San Diego, CA

How To Dispose Of Cat Litter


Is it your first time caring for cats? Do not be afraid because of the big responsibility you need to face. Though the tasks are many and quite challenging, you can do all of them because of your love for your pet cat.

Here is one tip you should bear in mind: disposing of your cat litter is a vital part of keeping your cat’s health and overall well-being in its prime condition. Proper disposal is also beneficial for your health and the safety of everyone in the household. Here are some guidelines for properly disposing of cat litter:

  • Do not touch the litter using your bare hands, particularly when you are expecting. The feces of cats contain a pathogen that leads to toxoplasmosis in infants.
  • Wear gloves to clean the litter box.
  • Wipe down the surfaces that touched the litter.
  • Dispose of the litter directly inside a bag in the garbage to avoid contamination.
  • You may use cat litter as natural fertilizers in your garden compost. But do this matter carefully so as not to cause contamination in your edible plants.
  • Avoid flushing cat litter to prevent damaging the plumbing system of your house.

Keeping the litter boxes of your cat clean is a must to let your pet live happily and be healthy.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley.

Will Basenjis Make Excellent Pets For Families With Children And Other Pets?


In general, Basenjis aren't the type of dog who loves children. They're highly energetic, though— which can be perfect for older kids. Nevertheless, raising a child with a Basenji pup is a better idea. A Basenji who knows how to interact with children is a perfect companion for a child who can interact with dogs properly.

Teaching kids the proper way of approaching dogs is essential— so is supervising their interactions with dogs. It prevents any incidents of biting or tail/ear pulling. Also, tell children to refrain from disturbing a dog who's currently eating; neither should they attempt to take away the dog's food. Don't leave a child alone with a dog. The same applies to cats and other smaller animals. Basenjis can only be trusted with pets raised with them, which they treat as a family. Outsider cats/small animals, however, are just potential prey.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your pet hospital Carmel Valley. Click here to know more about their services.