Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Why Do Cats Scratch?

Does your cat love to scratch? This behavior is common among these species because of the joy it brings. But understand that there is more to scratching than what you know.

Cats can do some scratches using their front claws by drawing them downwards vertically or horizontally. This particular action is known as stropping. Stropping is made possible when cats discharge and take off the husk of their claws with sharp parts.

Be informed that scratching benefits cats because it helps exercise the muscles of their spines and forelimbs. Cats normally scratch objects with hard surfaces, such as fence posts, sheds, wooden gates, and trees.

When your cat scratches, do not try to stop her. Instead, give her proper avenues where she can do this practice to let her exercise herself and send a message to other cats or animals within the area.

Any concerns you may have about your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Sarasota, FL.

Monday, 27 June 2022

Highlights of the Breed: Border Collie


Border Collies are highly sensitive, responding to any command and predicting your desires before you even say them. They love to work— physical and mental stimulation are necessary so that they won't make their own mischievous game. Border Collies tend to herd all things that move— smaller animals, children, and cars. A well-fenced yard is necessary to prevent them from roaming around the neighborhood.

When children get noisy, a Border Collie's instinct may urge them to nudge, nip, and bark. Proper socialization is also necessary to prevent them from being shy. Although they aren't naturally inclined to roam, their smart and curious nature may urge them to escape.

To ensure you'll have a healthy pup, don't buy from puppy mills, irresponsible breeders, and stores. Instead, opt for reputable breeders who ensure that their dogs have a sound temperament and are not carriers of genetic problems.

Consult your vet Kerrville TX about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

The Ideal Cattery: Your Cat Should Be Watched And Monitored


A good cattery proprietor would monitor your pet cat.  They might even maintain ‘pee and poop’ charts, recording the goings-on in your pet’s litter box.  They will also note down when your cat eats.  All these give one a good sense of your cat’s health, also allowing one to take notice if the animal develops an upset tummy or other discomforts. 

Any cat feeling ill would be taken over to a veterinary clinic, so a good cattery would check with you for any details about your pet and perhaps even have you sign consent forms, letting them consult veterinarians and give necessary treatment.

Ensure that you provide your contact details or have someone be the point of contact if you cannot be available.  It might be unlikely that your pet will fall ill, but if your pet is elderly, or if something happens, someone would have to decide on what will be the best course of action.

A sudden change in your pet’s potty habits should prompt a call to your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX.

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Hedgehogs as Pets

Pygmies are famous African Pet hedgehogs. They are covered with prickly spines all over the body however, there are no quills on the face, belly, and limbs. The spines across the body of hedgehogs are not sharp like the spines of porcupines.

When a hedgehog feels insecure or threatened, it will run at a very high speed before quickly curling up itself. Hedgehog curl up to protect the soft and spineless parts of its body.

Hedgehogs belong to insectivores as they feed on insects in wild. On the contrary, the pet hedgehog eats everything that is made available to them by their owner. Hedgehogs are very sensitive to danger because of their extraordinary olfactory sense. Besides this, hedgehogs also have a distinctive sense of hearing. The combination of these senses makes them aware of upcoming dangers, making them alert. 

Take care of your hedgehog by scheduling regular checkups with an experienced veterinarian LaPorte, IN.

Cleaning of Substrate in Snake Enclosures


When taking care of reptiles, routine cage care is a must. A clean enclosure helps in keeping pet snakes healthy, safe and comfortable.

The lining at the bottom of your tank that provides a natural and pleasant environment for your snake is called the substrate. A snake may dig into anything, such as layers of paper towels down to underneath smooth sand. Old newspaper, cypress mulch, aspen shavings, and dried leaves are all appropriate materials. The ones we use are made of live oak. Avoid using too much cedar or fragrant wood shavings.

You should regularly clean and replenish the substrate as it also acts as a holding area for your snake's waste. Cleaning the whole tank along with this is a good idea. Water with mild soap, glass cleaners with alcohol-base, and dilute Clorox® and Roccal® solutions are all good cleansers. The use of pine cleansers or anything that contains phenol should be avoided.

Your veterinarian Michigan City, IN is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Friday, 24 June 2022

What To Do When Your Rabbit Keeps On Peeing On The Couch


Almost every pet rabbit had perfect habits in the litter box. But then, your rabbit may suddenly hop and pee on your couch. Indeed, such scenarios are a frustration to many rabbit owners. You may respond to this by completely banning your pet from the area where he notoriously pees. You may also use "snappy trainers" to stop him from jumping on the couch. This way, you can establish yourself as the "Top Bunny" on the hierarchy.

It's also best to ensure that it's not a simple case where a rabbit loses his manners. If you notice more accidents outside the litter box, retrain your pet by limiting his space, along with other litter training tips. In addition, spaying/neutering is another great way to calm the hormones of your rabbit, reducing his tendency to mark territories. Knowing facts about spaying/neutering rabbits is undoubtedly essential for many pet parents.

If you have questions and/or concerns about neutering or spaying rabbits, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian Lexington, KY

What Are The Basic Considerations When Hand-Rearing Kittens?


Caring for kittens comes with a huge responsibility. You have to be ready not only financially, but most especially physically and emotionally. You must be equipped with proper information so you can do the job well. 

Depending on the case of your kittens, you may need to hand-rear them. Hand-rearing is applicable when the mother cat cannot do her role in taking care of her kittens. But you must understand numerous elements to consider in implementing this procedure. Here are some of the things you need to provide the kittens with:

  • Necessary warm and tidy living environment
  • Hygienic and beneficial feeding regimen
  • Ample attention to toilet practices (defecation and urination)
  • Attention to their overall health and well-being

The kittens that undergo hand-rearing may face several problems, including chilling, starvation, and dehydration. These conditions may lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar when not given proper and urgent medical attention. Remember that kittens are weak and sensitive at this point in their lives.

If you decide to be the carer of the kittens, ensure that you have the time for them and willingness to make sacrifices to help the young cats thrive and survive.

Your veterinarian Norwalk, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.