Does your cat love to scratch? This behavior is common among these species because of the joy it brings. But understand that there is more to scratching than what you know.
Cats can do some scratches using their front claws by drawing them downwards vertically or horizontally. This particular action is known as stropping. Stropping is made possible when cats discharge and take off the husk of their claws with sharp parts.
Be informed that scratching benefits cats because it helps exercise the muscles of their spines and forelimbs. Cats normally scratch objects with hard surfaces, such as fence posts, sheds, wooden gates, and trees.
When your cat scratches, do not try to stop her. Instead, give her proper avenues where she can do this practice to let her exercise herself and send a message to other cats or animals within the area.
Any concerns you may have about your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Sarasota, FL.