Friday, 15 July 2022

Broken Bones or Fractures in Dogs


No matter how much you protect your dog, sometimes accidents still do happen. A broken bone is just one of the many injuries your dog can sustain due to an accident.  

Broken bones, also known as fractures, are caused by a sudden force or impact on the body by an object or due to a fall during exercise, play, or any physical activity. 

Sometimes, you as a pet parent may be lucky, if it can be called as such, to witness your dog during the actual accident so you know right away if your dog may have sustained a fracture. But, most times, your pet could already be suffering from a broken leg without you knowing it. So, what are the signs to watch out for to check if your dog has a fracture? If your dog exhibits any of the following symptoms or behavior, it’s time to bring your dog to the clinic.

  • Unnatural or abnormal movement of a limb
  • Swelling or bruising around the fractured area
  • Pain
  • Limping and whining
  • Holding the leg up
  • Unwillingness or inability to walk 

For immediate care or relief, remember 3 things:

  • Do not attempt to correct the position of the limb.
  • Do not use any antiseptic or ointment on open fractures. 
  • Bring your dog immediately to the vet, taking care to transport him as carefully as possible. 

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX for proper medical attention.

Hip Dysplasia in Pit Bulls


Hip Dysplasia is a developmental condition in dogs that happens during the growth stage when the ball and socket do not develop properly. Instead of sliding smoothly, this loose hip joint rubs and grinds, making it difficult and painful for dogs to move about causing further damage, which is the wear and tear of the joints. Later on, this may cause osteoarthritis in older dogs.

Hip dysplasia is a genetic disease that is affected by multiple factors such as environment, diet, exercise, growth rate, and hormones. This is especially common in larger dog breeds such as pit bulls. 

Knowing that your pit bull is genetically predisposed to hip and joint-related health concerns later on, you should know the symptoms to watch out for. Here are some of them:

  • Lack of activity
  • Reluctance jumping, running, climbing stairs
  • Lameness of back leg
  • Odd gait
  • Signs of pain

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX.

Does Your Dog Lick Excessively? -- What Not to Do

Do not penalize your pet dog for licking too much. Dogs only try to seek comfort or convey stress, and punishment is ineffective in addressing the motivation for the behavior. Dogs lick for various reasons, and you need to understand that dog licking can be complicated. Be patient and take measures to reduce your pet's discomfort when you know the cause while trying to understand why your pet dog is licking too much. When the pain is gone, there are no unwanted behaviors. Here's how to discourage dogs from taking this action: 

•Offer dog-biting toys, treat puzzles to distract your pet from excessive licking and let it play with various activities to burn its pent-up energy. 
•Clean the surface that the dog licks. Old spills, sweat, and other contaminants are palatable to pets and can cause licking. 
•Modify your dog's diet to relieve food allergies, irritated skin and nausea. All of these can cause excessive licking. 
•Make sure your dog has appropriate dental and oral care as tissue damage and gingival inflammation can cause licking as the dog tries to relieve pain. 
•Treat arthritis and joint problems with the right medicines and devices. B. Assist your pet in taking little steps to get to the sofa or bed to relieve the pain.

Your veterinarian Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Elderly Cats Could Be Overwhelmed By Celebrations And Holidays


You might have been always boarding your pet cat to catteries whenever you go on a holiday.  If so, then you are likely inclined to continue doing so as the years go by.  But as your cat ages, she might not want to change her home routine and prefer to just stay home instead of being boarded.  If this is the case, you will need to have someone stay over or at least look into her to provide basic care.  You will want to choose a cat-sitter who is already familiar to your pet cat. 

An elderly cat could find home celebrations and parties a little too overwhelming.  Should you be having guests over, be sure that your pet has a quiet spot where she can retreat into.  Ensure that this spot has all of her basic needs easily accessible while the festivities are happening elsewhere in the home.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Tampa, FL

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Creating A Senior Cat-Friendly Home


Should your pet cat have a particularly preferred toy, then you do not have a reason to throw it out as she ages.  With your elderly pet lying on her side, she can try grabbing onto larger toys while she kicks using her back legs.  Playing this way is enjoyed by lots of cats and can become an ideal stretching activity for your pet’s rear extremities.  Try using a cylindrical or rectangular toy that is around 15 to 20 cm ( 6 to 8 inches) in length and constructed from durable fabric like toweling or drill cotton as your pet’s kick toy. 

Cardboard boxes have become perennial favorites of pet cats.  But if your pet is advancing in years, some modifications might be necessary.  An older cat might still like to poke around and investigate but is not flexible or mobile enough to move around and jump.  Try tipping the box over to its side and rotating it so that its opening faces your cat.  This lets her enter the box to check it out.  Paper and carrier bags could also offer the same exploratory activities, particularly if these make crinkling sounds.  Be sure to remove the handles so that your cat does not accidentally get caught in them.

Your senior pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Tampa, FL

Can Sunscreen Be Used On Pet Cats?

If your cat is particularly vulnerable to sunburn, then yes.  Sunscreen on vulnerable spots should protect and safeguard your pet from serious damage caused by the sun’s rays.  If you are going to choose a sunscreen product for your cat, you may want to look into these recommendations: 

Only use sunscreen products that are meant for pets.  Cats, specifically, could have sensitivities to some product components.  Because of this, it is best to only use ones that are meant for cats specifically.  Be sure to read the label and make sure that it states that the item is safe for cat use.  If you have reservations regarding a product, you may want to get in touch with the manufacturer so you can get more information.  You can also check with your veterinarian as they might have better recommendations. 

If you want to try a product you have not used before, it will be your best bet to closely monitor your pet just in case she develops any reactions.  Try testing small amounts of this new product on a spot on your cat’s skin, then wait to see if irritation or redness develops.  If your cat starts licking off the product, ingestion might cause negative reactions, so watch out for diarrhea or vomiting.  If these do happen, get in touch with your veterinarian right away and mention the product you used.  Products specifically formulated for pet cats are safe enough so that reactions like these do not happen.

Your vet care center Savannah, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Understanding Color Blindness


Color blindness comes in different forms, and people may have it in varied ways. For example, you may only clearly identify dark colors, while another person you know only sees white and black.

The rarest type of color blindness is monochromacy. Only one person out of 33,000 gets this condition. When you have monochromacy, it means you are completely color blind, failing to determine all hues around you. Meanwhile, the majority of people cannot distinguish certain colors only.

Understanding the types of color blindness requires you to understand first the concept of color vision. The first step in how vision works is the hitting of lights onto the photoreceptors of your eyes. These photoreceptors are divided into cones and rods. Cones determine the differences in colors, and rods identify the amount of light you see. 

People with normal color vision have three cones that take in light from various regions of the evident spectrum. If you are color blind, you do not have all these cones and cannot completely process the light entering your eyes.

A regular eye examination at an eye center Washington, DC is a proactive way of taking care of your sense of sight. Or

Set an appointment here :