Wednesday, 20 July 2022

The Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers were made more than 100 years ago, and since then, they've been a well-known breed. Originally made to fight, Boston Terriers are now generally affectionate and gentle. They have this tuxedo-like mark on their coat, giving them the name "American Gentlemen."

These super affectionate dogs tend to become friends with every family member. They do well in all types of homes, including apartments. These playful dogs need a lot of exercises, though. Boston Terriers are loyal and adoring, given enough love and activities.

Boston Terriers are now far from the pit fighters they were originally bred for. Popularly called "American Gentlemen" in the 1800s, they became more of a lover than a fighter. Male Boston Terriers, though, still show some of their ancestor's personalities, displaying a posture whenever they think another dog is trying to invade their territory.

Consult your vet Cornelius, NC about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Should My Male Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered?

Male cats mark their territory by spraying, which may not be a problem if you have an outdoor kitty. For indoor kitties, spraying can leave some really unpleasant odors behind. In most cases, spraying stops once a male cat is neutered, but not always.

If your cat still sprays after being neutered, here are some things that may be causing it:

  • An underlying health problem, such as diabetes, kidney issues, urinary tract infection, or thyroid issue

  • Not enough litter boxes in the home

  • Your cat doesn’t like the type of litter in the box

  • Residual odors from when your cat (or another cat) used to spray

  • Emotional issues, such as anxiety or stress 

  • Your cat doesn’t like the size or shape of his litter box

  • Your cat prefers a litter box that’s been cleaned

Since health problems may be a possible cause, it’s always best to get your feline pal checked out as a first step to rule out medical problems. If you have more questions or wish to schedule your cat for a checkup, please don’t hesitate to call your vets Champaign, IL today Or Set an appointment here:

Bonding With Your Guinea Pig


A guinea pig is a cute animal to be taken in as a pet. You can cuddle with him, play with him, and spend hours with him. But, what does “fun” really mean for these tiny creatures? One thing you can do for your beloved pet to enjoy is indulging him in his favorite leisure activities, such as exercise, eating, and exploration. 

Understand that when you bring your guinea pig into your home, he still needs to do his natural preferences and express his innate behavior. So, give him provisions to do those things. 

One activity that your guinea pig can consider fun is by sharing food. This activity is also a way for you to know him more, his behaviors, preferences, temperament, and the like. Share healthy snacks rich in vitamin C, including oranges and apples. You may slice the fruit into small pieces to feed him. But, be careful in giving him the food. Do not let your fingers hit your guinea pig’s sharp teeth so you will not get bitten.

Your veterinarian Cedar Rapids, IA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

What Happens When A Cat Lacks Taurine In Her Diet?


Since taurine has lots of functions in the bodies of cats, feline taurine deficiency has critical health effects. 

Diet is the primary reason why cats develop a deficiency in taurine.  Cats fed with homemade meals that do not contain enough proteins from animal sources are likely to develop taurine deficiencies.  Also, cats who somehow prefer to eat dog food could be taurine-deficient since commercial dog food is not supplemented with high enough taurine levels needed by cats. 

Signs that a cat is a taurine-deficient manifest slowly.  It could take anywhere between a few months and several years for signs to be noticeable.

Taurine deficiency in cats makes them more vulnerable to developing important health issues such as feline central retinal degeneration (FCRD). Taurine is important in maintaining retinal health.  A deficiency in taurine makes the retinal cells known as photoreceptors start degrading.  Degradation like this leads to permanent blindness since it is not reversible. 

Your veterinarian Coral Springs, FL is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Chartreux Cat Personality

Active yet gentle, quiet but expressive, and playful but docile – these are the notable traits of Chartreux felines. 

If you want to own a pet cat that enjoys an active lifestyle but does not break things at home, consider this breed. These cats know how to respect objects and even people or your visitors at home. They are calm and great observers, waiting for how they should react or respond to different situations.

In addition, these felines are quiet and do not make too many meows or purrs. If they need to tell you something, they will look at you and signal. Another important thing about these cats is they enjoy playing and tinkering with toys. You can leave them alone or with other household pets for quite some time. They also behave well during travels as long as you provide for the cats' needs.

So long as you respect the Chartreux cats’ needs, know that you will have furry friends in them.

Take your pet to a nearest veterinary hospital Lexington, KY for regular health and dental checks. 

Which Deworming Medication Should You Use On A Pet Cat?


There are a lot of commercially available deworming products and the availability of various drugs differ between countries.  Yes, some deworming products might be available for purchase in certain supermarkets and in pet stores, but it is likely that these are less effective or old products.  Some of them might not even be safe for cats. 

The best thing to do is to always ask your veterinarian for recommendations.  They will know which kinds of parasitic worms are commonly found in your local area.  They should also recommend to you the safest and most effective deworming treatment for your pet cat.  In addition, treatments vary in their methods of administration, some easier than others.  There are injectable treatments that your veterinarian could administer, and there are also ones that come in tablet form that you can sneak in through your cat’s meals.  There are also products that are applied to your pet’s skin as drops.

Consult a veterinarian Fort Collins, CO for a safe and effective deworming product for your pet. Read more here.

Litter Box Solutions for Arthritic Cats


One of the more common symptoms among cats suffering from osteoarthritis is house soiling due to eliminating outside of the litter box. 

Here are some common litter box concerns and simple solutions you can make to address the needs of your arthritic cat:

  • Provide a larger litter box. This way, your cat has more space around her ensuring that the sides of the litter box do not come in contact with your cat’s body, thereby preventing pain. 
  • Provide litter boxes in different areas of the house, preferably on the floor or level where your cat usually stays. In cases when your arthritic older cat cannot hold it, you decrease the likelihood of accidents since there are litter boxes that are easily accessible around the house. 
  • Provide a shorter litter box with low sides for ease of entrance and exit. You may also want to consider litter box alternatives such as plant growing trays or under-bed storage boxes. 

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with an animal clinc Washington DC to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue. Learn more here.