Monday 20 February 2023

Tips On How to Handle Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs frequently exhibit uneasiness near their owners. You should make an effort to help your guinea pig feel safe and secure in your presence. Please slowly get to know your guinea pig and ensure it feels secure in your care. Once he becomes comfortable with you, there will be more opportunities to bond. Here are some tips for handling your pet:

Keep your guinea pig in his cage when he first arrives home. Let him adjust to his new environment by observing from his cage. Handling him immediately might scare or annoy him. There are other ways to bond with him without physical contact.

Talk to your pet. This way, he will be familiarized with your sound. In addition to that, you should also go near him so that he can pick up your scent. Feed him regularly so that he can associate you with food, one of the most beautiful things for pets. However, do not pressure him to interact with you. 

Keep in mind that guinea pigs require a sense of security. When you bring him outside the enclosure, let him roam free and attempt to sit on the ground so that he may come closer to you. He'll feel more relaxed if you're on the same footing level.

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with a veterinary clinic Savannah, GA.

Tips For Dealing With Poor Litter Box Habits Of Pet Rabbits

Below are several recommendations for those rabbits who continue to exhibit less than ideal bathroom behaviors: 

If an accident happens, clean up the pee using paper towels and take any stray poop, and put it inside your pet’s litter box.  Doing so should help tell your rabbit that litter boxes are the spots to do their thing.  Remember that rabbits generally are not always perfect with litter box usage.  They might, at times, leave some poop close to their box or they might also sometimes pee over the box’s edge.  This is quite normal, so try placing plastic mats beneath the box or perhaps place the box on top of tiles so cleanup becomes easier when these things happen. 

Should your pet rabbit be insistent on using a corner of your room as its bathroom, it just might be simpler to just let your rabbit win and put its litter box there.  Sometimes, when pet rabbits choose another spot to go consistently, they might be trying to show you where they actually want to do their personal business. 

If you have any concerns about your pet's elimination habits, make an appointment with your veterinarians Burleson TX.

Dealing With Chewing Issues Of Dogs

Chewing is a way that a puppy/dog uses to communicate. It is an innate behavior of canines exactly like barking & sniffing. It should be considered more normal when a puppy is chewing: they chew to minimize the discomfort while they are in the stage of growing new teeth. However as the teeth come out and the pain subsides, the chewing will get less intense. 

The chewing habit becomes annoying when your dog starts chewing valuable things for instance it can ruin your clothing or a new pair of shoes. 

Dogs can sometimes hurt themselves by chewing something hard or destructive. Therefore it is wise to keep an eye on their chewing behavior and train them to only chew things that are safe for their oral health. You can also provide them with soft toys or raw bones to chew on.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your animal hospital Burleson TX.

Friday 17 February 2023

Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots?

Are you familiar with a ferret? These are small animals widely domesticated in the United States. They come from the Mustelidae family and showcase a friendly and curious disposition. If you are ready for the challenge of bringing home a ferret, you must understand its needs. Ferrets are not the usual domestic pets many households have, like cats and dogs. This condition entails that ferrets may have a different set of necessities for them to thrive healthily and happily.

In terms of maintaining good health, ferrets need wellness checkups. They also require vaccinations to avoid getting sick all year long. What are the shots ferrets need?

Every year, ferrets must receive two vaccines against rabies and canine distemper. These diseases are serious that can cost the animals’ lives.

In particular, canine distemper is contagious, which is why your ferret should receive this shot. This particular vaccine is divided into three within a year. Meanwhile, rabies is also viral but much worse – why? Rabies is a zoonosis, meaning you and your family can acquire it. 

If you have questions and/or concerns about vaccines and vaccination don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian Savannah, GA

Can Cats Be Over-Vaccinated?

The value of immunizations to your cat's general health and longevity cannot be overstated. Cat immunizations have been medically and scientifically proven to prevent the onset and spread of debilitating and lethal feline illnesses.

Vaccination procedures for pets are also changing. The requirements you previously followed may alter when newer vaccinations are created. An example of adjustments made is administering certain immunizations every two to three years rather than annually.

While immunizations may not provide 100% protection against some illnesses, they reduce the likelihood of animals contracting a severe condition. Some vaccinations only give temporary protection and may require booster doses to maintain the required protection.

However, some can give protection for longer than one year or perhaps a lifetime. For decades, yearly vaccine administration has been practiced. Recent research has shown that some vaccinations whose protection could last longer than veterinarians may administer one year every two years or so.

If you have questions and/or concerns about vaccines and vaccination don’t hesitate to visit your veterinary clinic Savannah, GA

Can Kittens Eat Tuna ?


Tuna is safe for kittens to eat in small amounts as a treat or supplement to their regular diet. However, it is important to note that not all types of tuna are appropriate for kittens to eat.

Canned tuna in water is a better option than canned tuna in oil, because the oil can be high in fat and can cause diarrhea in kittens. Additionally, it's important to avoid feeding kittens raw tuna as it may contain harmful bacteria.

It's also important to note that while tuna is a good source of protein, it is low in some essential nutrients that kittens need to grow, such as calcium, vitamin D, and taurine. Therefore, it should not be fed as a main staple of their diet, but rather as an occasional treat or supplement.

Also, be aware of the fact that some canned tuna contains high levels of mercury which can be harmful to cats if consumed in large quantities.

It is always best to check with a veterinarian before making any changes to a kitten's diet, especially when it comes to introducing new foods.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your vets Louisville KY.

Rats Make Smart Pets

Not everyone knows, but rats are intelligent creatures. Even though they are small, they overpower dogs in terms of intelligence. They are also curious and intuitive, often leading them to explore their environment. Aside from these, they are also appreciative. They appreciate small gestures from their owners. You can spend five minutes with your rat, and he will be happy. However, the required time to bond together should be 20 minutes or more. They love attention and will likely participate in whatever activity you have planned.

Another fact that you should know about rats is their chewing habits. Since they are rodents, it's common for them to chew often. They chew not only to process food but also to tear down their constantly growing teeth. Beware of whatever you put inside your rat's cage. Rats chew almost everything they see. Instead of discouraging your pet from this natural habit, provide him with chewable toys. This way, you'll be able to help him maintain his teeth.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Visit website to know more.