Saturday 29 January 2022

Why Many Are Going Ga-Ga About Chihuahuas

Everyone is familiar with these small and sassy dogs. Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed, and some only weigh at least 2 lbs. They are tiny, but they have big personalities. Once you show love to them, they would become very devoted and loyal to you.

Their strikingly big eyes, pointed ears, and small body set them apart from other breeds. Chihuahuas vary in colors. It is typical to see red, chocolate, white, and mixed. Like other small breeds, their life expectancy is long. They could live for up to 14 years.

It is thought that Chihuahuas’ ancestors came originally from Mexico. Mexican folklore believes that Chihuahuas guide the spirit to protect them as they travel through the underworld. 

It is during the 1850s when Chihuahuas were discovered in the Mexican State of Chihuahua, and that’s how their name was derived. One variation of Chihuahuas with long hair was made from mixing them with Pomeranians or Papillons. 

Chihuahuas have earned their place as one of the most popular dog breeds. They are also ranked 13th among 155 other dog breeds.

Your veterinarian Tampa FL  is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Friday 28 January 2022

Selecting A Pet Dog

With dogs, there are plenty of various breeds to choose from and each breed is different.  Should you consider a dog as your animal companion, then you need to select one that will fit your lifestyle.  Below are several things that you should consider:

●Your activity level - You have to be honest with this.  Some dogs are laid back, while there are those that need plenty of exercise.  Be sure to select a dog that will fit your activity level.

●Housedog or yard dog - Some dogs like being outdoors.  Select one that can find happiness in your type of home, whether you have a yard or not.

●Having children in the family - Some dogs are good with children when compared to others.

●Finances - Prior to getting a pet dog, make sure that you understand that there are expenses.  Be sure that you can afford to take the dog to the animal clinic, get him vaccinated, and of course, feed him.

●Time commitment - Pet dogs require time and dedication.  They have physical and emotional needs that might consume a good chunk of your available time.  Ensure that you are committed to doing this daily before you get a pet dog. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your veterinary hospital Gresham, OR. Click here to know more about their services.

Eye Care Tips

You do know that your eyes need TLC, right? They are one of the most sensitive parts of your body. They are also exposed to many harmful factors because you use them every time. Aside from eating food rich in vitamin A, what else can you do to keep your eyes healthy? Here are some tips you can consider:

      Use eyewear whenever necessary. Like when you’re on a construction site, playing a physical sport, or using a dangerous tool or equipment. Doing this step can save you from having an eye injury.

      Smoking is bad for your eye health as it damages your optic nerves. It can also cause cataracts or macular degeneration, which come with age.

      Understand if your family has a history of having eye diseases. Doing so can help you learn if you’re actually at risk due to genetic predisposition.

      Recognize the other factors that may harm your eye health. It pays to regularly visit your ophthalmologist.

      Use contact lenses and eyeglasses properly. Follow the guidelines to handle or manage both.

      Ensure that your eyes get enough rest. Observe the 20-20-20 rule so you can prevent eye strain.

A regular eye examination at an optometry clinic Los Angeles, CA is a proactive way of taking care of your sense of sight. Set an appointment here:

Thursday 27 January 2022

Can The 20-20-20 Rule Prevent Eye Strain?

Your eyes might be one of the most used parts of your body every single day. You need them to do things and live your life. These days, it’s difficult to avoid using gadgets for a prolonged time because of work, school, or downtime. This is okay as long as you don’t strain your eyes too much. To help you protect them, you can use the 20-20-20 eye rule.

This rule lets you destress your eyes from using digital screens. So what should you do? Every after 20 minutes, you need to look at something located 20 feet away from you. That something can be anything — it can be a tree outside your office, a boy walking down the street, or a bird flying. For how long should you stare at it? For 20 seconds.

This rule forces you to rest your eyes in a given time — letting them breathe and rest for a while.

Optometrist Los Angeles CA are valuable resources when it comes to issues affecting your eyes.

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Adopting A Husky: Understanding The Husky Personality

Now that you've decided to rescue a husky dog, there are a few things you should know about their behavior and how you should interact with them. Huskies are naturally packing dogs.

Same as their untamed forefathers. You must be their recognized pack leader, or dominant, as their owner. You will win their respect and affection by fulfilling this position in their life.

Being the "leader" of your husky involves not surrendering to their demands. Or giving in to their sad expressions when they seek a special reward.

When dealing with your husky dog, you should be stern and persistent, not a bad guy. If the husky dog recognizes you as the "keeper of the food," it will compel them to behave a bit better.

Husky dogs are naturally active and eager to play. Before you decide whether or not to adopt the dog, you first consider the size of your yard.

Huskies can grow bored and restless if they do not get enough physical activity. It might lead to their being destructive. The dog will dig up flower beds and chew on items they shouldn't have within the house. These are two of their most known harmful habits. However, with the proper training, a husky dog may dig just in specified areas of the yard.

Any concern you may have about your pet's health and/or behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Portland, OR.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Helping Pets With Cognitive Dysfunction Live Better Lives

Cats make terrific pets, as any cat parent will confirm. They are simple to groom and care for, affectionate and have distinct and entertaining personalities. Cats also have strong cognitive abilities. They know how to eliminate using the litter box and have an incredible memory. However, studies revealed that between the ages of 11 and 15, an estimated 28% of the feline population would lose some cognition. Over the last decade, that figure has risen to a stunning 50%.

Cognitive impairment in both canines and felines might make it difficult for these pets to perform tasks when they get old. They may experience difficulties using the litter box and vocalizing and may have abnormal sleep patterns. They may appear more anxious or unmindful than usual at times. 

As a pet owner, you can reduce the likelihood of this cognitive deterioration by providing an environment conducive to physically and mentally stimulating your pet.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Middletown, DE. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Monday 24 January 2022

Are Parakeets Susceptible To Parasites ?

Like with other pets, a parakeet is also susceptible to parasitic worms.  Roundworms and flatworms are the most prevalent.  There are about 23 kinds of parasitic worms that might infest a pet parakeet.

Worms might infest a parakeet in several different ways.  Some of these are coming into contact with environments, water, food, or other birds that are infected.  Worms are easily spread through being in surroundings that have infected fecal matter.  Feeding your parakeet insects caught in the wild could also risk infecting your pet with parasitic worms.  Insects that harbor parasites could also be contaminating your pet’s water and food.

A parakeet heavily infested with parasites might suffer from a bad case of diarrhea.  Even if the bird eats enough food, it might lose weight and have its growth stunted.  It might also be lethargic and weak.

Consult your veterinarian Middletown, DE about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues.