Sunday, 31 May 2020

What you need to look after a new cat

You have a cat coming into your life soon and you want to make sure you are able to give her everything she needs from you right from the start. What supplies should you have on hand to help with this? 

Your little fur ball needs you to offer her food and water in appropriate dishes, and treats from time to time. Your pet will need ways to keep fleas off of her, a collar to let others know she has a family looking after her, and a brush so you can tend to her fur. Your cat will need you to offer her a litter box, litter, and to have the accompanying accessories and cleaning supplies. She will also call for a bed to rest in, a place to scratch, and toys to help her get some exercise and have some fun. Your local vets Frisco, TX can help you care for the pets in your home.

Set an appointment here:

Why your cat needs to scratch

Your cat is an excellent companion who tends to scratch on things within your home. Why is this? 

Your cat wants to scratch in order to maintain her claws. This behavior gives her a chance to file down her claws so they don’t get too long for her to handle. This helps to keep them from breaking and allows them to stay in top shape. Scratching is a great way for your pet to stretch and to mark her territory as well. This is because she will need to reach to really get a good scratch in and she will leave behind both visual and scent markers for other animals to take note of. This means that scratching can be an enjoyable task for her in addition to being a functional one. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Frisco, TX.

Pancreatitis In Dogs

Pancreatitis refers to the inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas has two important functions -- production of digestive enzymes and secretion of insulin to help blood sugar level regulation. When there is pancreatitis, there is inhibition of these 2 functions and the enzymes that are supposed to help digest food start attacking the pancreas which can have life-threatening implications. Pancreatitis is a very serious condition. Affected pets can develop life-long complications, such as diabetes mellitus. In some cases, it can be fatal. If your dog has pacreatitis, he will benefit from a low-fat diet. This can help prevent pancreatitis in dogs that are prone to the problem. You should avoid giving fatty treats to your dog.

If your dog has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and/or diabetes, you should talk to your vet clinic Westminster MD about treatment options that are available for your dog. 

Where your dog wants to spend her time

Your dog is an excellent companion and you love being able to spend as much time with her as you possibly can. Where is she likely to want to spend her time?

Your dog is a creature of habit and will likely gravitate toward areas that are familiar to her. She wants to be able to meet her needs so she can focus on other things in her life, so she will likely seek out spaces that offer her simple ways to make this happen. She also trusts you a great deal and may follow you around the house seeking out your companionship. She wants to be a part of family activities and may want to check out any action that is going on within your household to see if she would like to participate. Your local vets Covington GA can offer additional advice.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Dental X-Rays For Pets

veterinarians Marietta, GA

Pet health procedures have now become more advanced and sophisticated, and dental procedures are no exception. Dental x-rays are now important tools in diagnosing and treating tooth and gum problems in cats and dogs. Dental problems can be quite deceiving. You may think that there is nothing wrong with your pet’s mouth because you can’t find anything wrong about the animal’s gumline. However, there are a lot of things that can go wrong underneath the gumline. Dental x-rays are also excellent in checking resorptive lesions which is very common dental problem in cats. Tooth and gum problems bring pain and discomfort to affected pets. Regular tooth brushing, early detection and medical intervention are very important to prevent pets from suffering. You should be more sensitive to your pet’s health and behavior. Any change, even though how subtle it may be, should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians Marietta, GA so your pet can be examined thoroughly and may need to undergo several tests. Proper diagnosis is necessary so the appropriate treatment can be given ASAP.

What Makes Dog Noses Extraordinary?

Dogs depend a lot on their sense of smell to learn more about their surroundings. That’s why a dog keeps on taking breaks during leash walks to sniff things out. This gem of knowledge can stop pet owners from being tempted to drag their dogs along during walks.

While all dogs are known for their excellent sense of smell, some breeds are far more superior when it comes to their sense of smell compared to other breeds. Hound breed dogs top the list of canine breeds with the best olfactory sense. Working dogs like Labrador retrievers and doberman pinschers also have outstanding smelling activities. Dogs with short faces, like the pug, may not be as sensitive to odors compared to hounds because the structure of their nasal passages compromise their airways as well as their ability to smell. Your veterinarian Ellicott City, MD is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and behavior. Make an appointment today!

Why Cats Sleep A Lot

veterinarian Marietta, GA
Our cats can be a firecracker sometimes. They love to play and if you don’t keep a close eye on them chances are, you’ll have most of your belongings torn to bits. Surprisingly though, cats are heavy sleepers. When they’re not playing with your curtains or chasing a loose ball of yarn, they’re on a comfortable spot napping. While we may notice our cats to be napping most of the time, this is quite normal. They need more rest than we do to rejuvenate their energy levels. They’re very erratic sleepers as well. Unlike humans who have regular sleep patterns, cats will sleep at different times of the day. Cats do this so they have a chance to monitor their surroundings. And because they love to play when they’re awake this contributes to their erratic sleeping. If you want to know more about your cat’s sleeping habits, you can contact your veterinarian Marietta, GA.

Does My Cat Have A Hairball Problem?

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Hairball problems are very common in cats. When hair is ingested during grooming, it can accumulate in the stomach and get entangled to form a hairball. As more and more hairballs are formed, it can cause irritation to the stomach which can eventually trigger vomiting in an effort to get rid of the hairballs. So how will you know if your cat has a hairball problem?

  • The cat appears lethargic and may seem sluggish. He won’t have much interest or energy to play with his favorite toys.
  • Unproductive hacking or gagging which can be an indication that he is trying to get rid of something stuck in any part of his upper digestive tract, like a hairball.
  • There may be unexplained weight loss as cats with hairballs don’t have much appetite. The hairballs maybe causing digestive distress and appetite loss.

If your pet has frequent hairball issues, you should talk to your veterinary clinic Columbia MD about the best way to prevent the problem.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Treatment for Corns on a Dog’s Paw

veterinary Clinic Murrieta, CA

Dogs that are diagnosed with a corn, skin lesion or callus on their paw or paws may need treatment or even surgery to repair the paw. If your dog has been diagnosed with this condition please make sure you talk with your vet thoroughly to find out what is needed for care. Corns can develop due to pressure or trauma on the paw, an infection, or from a previous s-car or injury to the paw. Surgically removing the corn may be recommended to provide your dog immediate relief. If this is the case then after the surgery your dog may need to wear a pressure-relief bandage to relieve pressure on the paw in order for the surgical area to heal. In some cases the dog will need to refrain from walking on hard surfaces during the healing process or wear botties to protect the paw. Healing time is usually 14 days. Consult with your veterinary clinic Murrieta, CA to learn more.

Why your dog loves to dig

Your dog loves to dig up your backyard and you’ve never really understood why this was something she thought was fun. Is there a reason for this behavior? 

Your little fur ball needs to be able to get some exercise while having some fun each day. Digging offers her a way to do this without needing any additional toys, which can be a great way for her to meet her needs. It can also offer her some mental stimulation as it will help your pet better understand the world around her and satisfy some of her curiosity. She can check out your yard further, likely in areas she hasn’t seen before, and she can follow other creatures under the grass to see where they are headed and what they are doing. Your local vet clinic Chico, CA can offer additional guidance. Make an appointment at this link:

Why Is My Cat's Eye Bulging?

It can definitely look scary if your furry friend arrives home with an eye that is bulging and you don't know what really caused it. Many cats can have a bulging eye because of a trauma or injury to its head. Trauma to a cat's head can cause built-up pressure around a cat's eye. A bulging eye would look like it wants to come out of the eye socket, but really the eye is just getting pushed out by the pressure. 

If your cat has a bulging eye, call your vet as soon as you can and never try to move or touch your cat's eye. Instead of pushing the eye, you should get a cloth to gently cover the injured eye before you take your cat to the nearest animal clinic New Orleans, LA. Once the pressure on the eye has been alleviated, your vet can proceed with appropriate treatment. Visit this site for more details.

Maintaining Your Cat’s Litter Box

Your cat and his litter box are inseparable. Whenever nature calls, the litter box is there "to the rescue". How can you maintain the litter box so it can be comfortable and usable for a long time? Check out the following quick tips to learn more. 

If you are really serious about doing proper maintenance of your beloved furry feline friend's litter box, you need to set aside some time every single day for it. 

You have to clean the litter box on a daily basis. Regularly look for anything that has got buried or deposited into it that needs to be removed. Search it thoroughly to look for unwanted foreign objects or debris. You also need to set out a routine litter switching as well as sanitizing the entire box. Don't forget to habitually check the cat toys and accessories if they remain in good working condition (and replacing them if they aren't). 

Sudden changes in your pet’s elimination habits or frequent potty accidents should be brought to the attention of your vet New Orleans, LA. Schedule an appointment today!

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Burns in Dogs like the Beagle

vet Murrieta, CA

Dogs can get sunburns and other types of burns just like people can. If you think your Beagle or other breed or canine companion has been burned, please notify your vet. Burns can come from different sources. There are sunburns, chemical burns, electrical burns, and burns from hot liquids or hot objects. Treatment should be given right away in accordance with the type of burn. Just make sure you follow your vet’s instructions. Never apply an antibiotic or cream to a burn. There are different degrees of burns that require different care. First-degree burns can cause skin irritation and pain, but the skin is most likely still in tact. Second and third-degree burns will be more severe with the skin either partially or completely gone. Treatment should be provided by a professional veterinarian with follow up at home treatment done under a vet’s orders and supervision. Click to learn more from your vet Murrieta, CA.

Important Facts About The Diet And Eating Habits Of Cats

Meat is a good source of taurine, an essential amino acid that cats need every day but are unable to produce in their bodies. Thus, eating meat every day can help ensure adequate intake of this important nutrient. Cats are true carnivores, which means all their nutritional needs are best met with a meat-based diet. Without adequate intake of taurine, cats can suffer from serious health issues. 

Other important information about cats and their weird eating habits include the following: 

Cats have taste buds that can determine the sweet taste. 

Cats are able to self-regulate their consumption of important nutrients like fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Experts believe it’s an inherent need for self-preservation. 

Cats tend to be neophobic, meaning they can become suspicious when given food they’re not familiar with. They won’t hesitate to just sniff and walk away when offered new pet food.

For more information about your cat's dietary needs, visit your vet clinic Cedar Rapids, IA. Or click this website.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

TPLO -- Is It The Best Option For ACL Rupture

There are several ways to correct a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or cranial cruciate ligament (CCL). But many veterinarians choose to perform TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy), one of the more popular orthopedic procedures because of high repair percentage recovery of the ACL. Dogs that have undergone the procedure are able to regain full use of the affected joint. 

The procedure also have lesser possibility of patients developing post-operative problems and complications. When affected joints heal, affected dogs have higher chances of regaining their active lifestyle before their ACL was ruptured. Dogs recovering from TPLO also tends to suffer from less pain. Large canine breeds also have an improved long-term function recovery. 

If your dog has a torn ACL or CCL, you should talk to your veterinary surgeon so you will know what treatment options are available for your dog. If you want to know more about TPLO and how it can help you and your pet, you should call or visit your animal medical center Marion, IA area. Or visit this link to know more:

Take Water on a Walk with your Dog

Now that the weather is warming up it will be important to remember to take water with you when you walk your dog. It may be a good idea to take a backpack with a few necessities including water for you, water for your dog, an outdoor water bowl and even some snacks. Whether you go for a short walk or a long walk if it’s hot outside be sure to pack water. Other supplies to include may be first aid supplies for yourself and your dog especially if you plan on going on a hike or trail. Band-Aids, bandages and gauze are the basic suggestions along with a small pair of scissors and a few alcohol swabs. Make a point to stop your walk half way through and take a water break. Rest for a bit if needed. You should sit in the shade to cool off or let your dog go for a swim if possible. For more tips, call your veterinarian Norwalk CA .

Eye Infection in Cats

It’s a good rule of thumb to check your cat’s eyes on occasion to ensure they are healthy and vision is well. You can do this simply by observing your cat’s eyes on occasion. Once you know what they normally look like, it could be easier to notice when something is off. For instance, if your cat has eyes that are red, swollen, weepy or watery then she may either have something in her eye or she may have an eye infection. Cats can develop eye infections from debris in their eyes, scratching at their eyes too much, or being around another cat with a contagious eye infection. If you notice swelling, irritation or watery or crusty eyes, please call your vet and schedule a checkup for your cat. You may  be instructed to flush the eye to see if it’s just debris. Always talk to your professional pet clinic Dutchess County NY before treating your cat.

Why your dog loves to play fetch

Your dog is a big part of your life and you know that she loves being able to interact with you. Is this why she enjoys playing fetch so much?

Your little fur ball wants to be able to interact with you, as this gives her plenty of companionship and allows her to further build a relationship with you. This allows her to bond with you over a common activity. However, she also needs to be able to get some exercise and have some fun when playtime rolls around. Luckily, fetch allows her to experience both of these things. She will get up and moving when she chases after the item being used and she will have some fun utilizing her skills to bring it back to you. Your local animal hospital Burlington, ON can help you better understand your pet.

Why your pet needs so much attention

You have a new pet in your life and you’ve noticed that she seems to seek out your attention whenever she can get it. Why is this?

Your pet will need a lot of your attention because she is a big part of your life. She loves you and needs to be by your side in order to feel both safe and secure. She knows that you care for her and that you look after her needs. This means that she will feel at ease by you. She also enjoys your company and wants to make the most of her time in your care. Since a lot of fun things happen when she is with and around you, she will seek you out for companionship when she feels like interacting. For more information, please contact your local Vet clinic Marin County CA.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Eye Injuries in Cats

Cats love to explore all kinds of small, tight, dark and damp spaces to find their prey. This tight areas can be dangerous especially if it involves shrubs, branches, or other sharp objects. This is one of the ways cat’s can actually injure their eye or eyes. Check your cat’s eyes when you pick her up, feed her, or sit with her watching a movie. This can be a good routine to ensure the eyes are healthy. If you see any signs of irritation or weepy eyes then your cat could have injured her eye. Of course, your cat could also just have an eyelash in her eye or some other debris. A simple scratch could be the problem. Other signs of possible injury include green or yellow eye discharge, squinting, excessive blinking, and an avoidance of bright lights. Please contact your animal hospital Lagrangeville NY to discuss the eyes or make an appointment for an in office visit.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Adopting a Senior Pet -- Can Bad Habits Be Undone?

The saying "you cannot teach old dogs some new tricks" is really true. Particularly when it comes to removing or changing bad habits, it can be a really daunting challenge, especially for certain senior dogs. 

In some cases, some adult or senior dogs can become so-called "fear biters" whenever an owner forces a dog to change some undesirable or negative habits. Adult or senior dogs tend to bite due to having fear or anxiety, and this is more prominent when the corrective measures used during re-training have been associated by the dog with various negative experiences it has experienced in the past. 

Authority problems are another important concern that you need to address when it comes to dealing with a senior dog. Many senior dogs might take some time to follow their new owners, especially if such dogs have gone through several animal shelters or foster homes, or worse, had previous bad experiences with people. 

Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Leesburg, VA. Visit this website Lansdowne Animal Hospital for more details.

Why Cats Hide Under The Bed

Cats that lack socialization tend to be fearful of anything that they are not familiar with. Anything that they perceive as strange or unfamiliar can send them scampering to safety and the easiest places to hide is under the bed or furniture. These cats may only come out of their hiding places when the see that all is clear. That will be the time that they get out from under the bed, use the litter box, eat or drink. Any effort to coax them out of the bed can be met with hisses and displays of aggressive behavior. This is one important reason why kittens should undergo socialization as early as 2 weeks of age. Being exposed to various sights, sounds, scents, people, animals, etc. can help them easily adjust to any situation that they may encounter later in life. 

You should seek help from your veterinarian Ashburn, VA if you are dealing with any undesirable pet behavior.

Click this link for more details:

Friday, 22 May 2020

Where should you put your dog’s water dish?

Your canine companion needs to have fresh water to drink at all times and you want to make sure this is in a convenient spot for her to get to. Where should you place her dish?

Your dog needs you to take the time to think about where her water dish should be placed in order to help her stay well hydrated. Determine where she spends her time and where she will be able to get to with ease. This should be a spot where there aren’t any deterrents and where there aren’t any other animals that will interfere with her efforts. Her dish will need to be cleaned and refilled often, so be sure to place it in an area that is convenient for you to tend to it. Your local vet Rockville MD can help you care for your pet.  

Is your canine companion ready to be housetrained?

You have a dog in your life who loves taking the time to enjoy your company. However, this doesn’t mean that she is ready to handle everything you throw at her. This makes you wonder – is she ready to be housetrained?

Your dog needs you to take the time to think about her capabilities and determine if they match up to the task you are asking her to perform. In this case, she will need to be able to control her eliminations, alert you to her need to head to the designated area, and be able to understand your efforts. This will likely mean that she won’t be ready to housetrain until she is several months old, as she will need some time to develop before you will see results from the training you offer her. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Glen Ellyn IL .

Flystrike Problem in Guinea Pigs

Flystrike problem in guinea pigs is a common but serious problem that you need to avoid as much as possible. Flystrike in guinea pigs (which is medically known as “myiasis”) is a condition by which maggots from flies are laid in the skin of guinea pigs and eat away at your pet's flesh while releasing lethal toxins. The maggots come from flies' eggs and they live in your cavies' coats until you clean them up.

Flystrike issues are really common during the summer season.  Flies love the summer and their eggs turn into maggots due to the heat in the environment. Thus, you need to check each furry cavy you have at least twice a day to detect maggot infestation as early as you possibly can. If left untreated for a considerable amount of time, cavies may have wounds and you might even see some loss of skin tissue.

Make sure to clean your cavy's housing regularly and visit your pet clinic McHenry IL to get more tips.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Small Dog Breeds Should Not Be Left Alone Outside

Many of our dogs will benefit from outdoor activities. It’s a great form of exercise and helps give them a mental boost to keep them happy throughout the day. However, be aware that not all dog breeds are suited for playtime outside the house. 

For instance, extra care is needed when taking a small dog breed outside for some exercise. As he’s more prone to injury, it’s best to make sure that he’s on a leash especially if your area is known to have predatory birds around or if there are potential threats such as bigger and dominant dogs. Having your small dog on a leash allows you to have more control over where he’s going. 

Other than small dog breeds, generally speaking, it’s perfectly fine and beneficial for dogs to be having some fresh air outside of the house. If you’re letting him play in your yard, make sure you have fences around so he doesn’t go straying about. If not then just having him tethered or confined to a dog pen outside. Just make sure that you keep an eye on him and bring him indoors when the day gets too hot or too cold. 

You can contact your local veterinarian Cincinnati, OH for tips while playing outside. Learn more here.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Stop Your Dog's Bad Behavior at the Door

All dog owners savor the experience of being welcomed home by a dog right at the door. Sadly, this activity promotes a really bad behavior in dogs, which your house guests would not like. Use these simple tips to prevent your dog from exhibiting his usual jumpy or excited behavior towards people entering the door. 

You should keep in mind to ignore your dog as soon as you walk through the door. This might appear harsh, but doing so will teach your beloved canine friend that you will not tolerate bad behavior and that he won't get your attention if he continues with this bad behavior. 

What you can do instead is assign a sort of "welcome area" outside or away from the main door. You can be really creative here: this welcome area could be around the kitchen table or the couch in the living room. Repeat this for a few weeks or months, and you will notice a remarkable change in your dog! 

A sudden change your pet’s behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Cincinnati, OH. Or visit this website Peach Grove Animal Hospital.

Feeding your iguana

You have an iguana in your life now and you want to help her stay as healthy as she can be. What should you be feeding her to help her get the nutrients she needs?

Your new companion is a herbivore, which means she will need to consume a plant-based diet. She will need a variety of fresh produce to keep her in shape and satisfied. This will likely include a good deal of greens, so be sure to always have appropriate options on hand. These should always be fresh and appealing to your pet, in addition to being clean and cut up to an appropriate size for her to handle. Your iguana will need you to talk with her veterinarian to determine the ideal foods to offer her and what portion sizes will suit her well to keep her healthy and happy.  For more information, please contact your local animal hospital Anderson IN.

Caring for a rambunctious kitten

You have a new kitten in your life and she seems to be filled with energy day in and day out. how can you look after a rambunctious kitten like this?

Your little fur ball needs you to be able to get up and moving often, as she will need fun activities to take part in to ensure she will get the physical exercise and mental stimulation she needs. She is learning about the world around her and you want to make sure you are able to be there with her to help make the most of your time together. Be sure to offer her plenty of attention, lots of guidance, and a ton of activity options to keep her out of trouble in your living space. Your local animal hospital Fort Collins, CO can help you better understand your pet.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Helping your guinea pig get some exercise

You have a guinea pig in your life who needs to be able to get some exercise in order to stay in great shape. How can you help make this happen on a regular basis? 

Your pet will need you to offer her places to get the exercise she needs. This means making sure you are there with her to help her understand that there are plenty of fun things to do both within her enclosure and outside of it during floor time. Give her toys that require active play, be there by her side to help her enjoy games that will get her moving, and show her the areas she can safely run around in so she will feel confident in doing so. Your local vet Tampa, FL can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today.

Getting to know a new mouse

You have a new mouse in your life and you want to make sure you are able to get to know her to the best of your ability. How can you begin doing this? 

Your little fur ball needs to be able to count on you to determine the ideal ways to interact with her. Because she is in a new environment and unsure of what to think of it just yet, she will need you to show her that you are trustworthy and that she is safe. Let her reach out to interact with you by letting her know you would like to interact with her and making her feel welcome, but not pushing her too hard to do something she isn’t comfortable with yet. Your best pet clinic Tampa, FL can help you better understand what your pet needs from you.

Treats for Dogs

Looking for a perfect treat to give your dog whenever you yourself are snacking? Sometimes sharing a human snack isn’t idea (unless its vet approved fruits or veggies). Feeding a dog treat instead is a great idea. You can always check with your vet regarding possible dog treats. Some of the best are dental bones that can help freshen breath or chew bones made of vegetables and not rawhide. Popular brands like Milk Bone offer a wide variety of dog treats. If you’re looking for grain free then check out the Wellness brand. If your dog is large then buy larger treats. If your dog is small go for smaller treats. Puppies and older dogs do bets with chewy or soft treats. Make sure you read the package for serving suggestions and always remember to feed in moderation. For more information contact your local vet Ontonagon MI.

Burns in Pomeranians

There are different types of burns that can happen to a Pomeranian or any canine for that matter. Burns can include sunburn to the skin, chemical burns, electrical burns, or heat burns from hot liquids or hot objects. If for any reason you think your Pomeranian has received a burn, please call your vet before trying to self treat your pup. Not only can burns happen in the ways mentioned, but the burns can also be different degrees of severity. For instance, first-degree burns may cause pain but the fur or skin is still intact. Second and third-degree burns are often more severe with the fur and/or skin either partially or completely gone. If possible, identify the type of burn that has occurred so that you can inform your vet. Do not apply any type of cream or ointment unless your pet clinic Cherry Hill NJ recommends it.

Choosing a water dish for your feline friend

Your cat needs to drink plenty of water in order to stay hydrated and happy in your care. How can you choose a water dish for her in order to help make this happen?

Your little fur ball needs you to take the time to think about her size and capabilities. This will help you determine how much water she will drink throughout the day as well as what position is most comfortable for her to drink from. Choose a dish that can hold a suitable amount of water for her and will stay at a height where she can easily reach it. Make a point to opt for a wide dish that will keep her whiskers from being irritated when she wants to take a drink. Your local animal hospital Sugar Land, TX can help you better understand your pet.

Monday, 18 May 2020

How Your Pooch Can Help You Meet People

For the majority of dog owners, companionship may be the primary reason for getting a pet. But did you know your dog could also be a way to get acquainted with other people? 

One of the best ways to meet new people with your canine buddy is by going on leash walks or visiting the the park. Puppies are irresistible and people just can’t help but strike up a conversation about your furry friend. Dogs, after all, are great conversation starters. 

Pet shows and competitions are also a great place to meet new friends. You get to meet people who share your interests and it is really easy to start a conversation with them. You can then set up play dates for your pets or have a common time to visit the dog park. 

Call your animal hospital Goodyear, AZ to make sure that your pet’s vaccines and deworming are up-to-date before bringing your dog outdoors and meet with other dogs. To learn more, set an appointment at this website Dreaming Summit Animal Hospital.

Dogs and Probiotics

Did you know that dogs can experience stomach upset and indigestion, etc. like people can? If your dog has experienced stomach issues, please talk to your vet about a diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, the cause could be due to a lack of probiotics in the digestive system. A probiotic supplement can help provide probiotics to the body. Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in your dog’s digestive tract. Some vets have found that dogs on probiotic supplements experience better digestion and even have an increase of boost in their immune system. Other studies have found that probiotics can help treat diarrhea, irritable bowel, and intestinal inflammation. They may also be used to prevent urinary tract infections and may reduce inflammation in the intestines. Probiotics can come in tablet forms as well as a powder to add to your dog’s food. Give your veterinarians Cy-Fair a call to learn more.

Things to Consider When Bringing Your Dog Out With Friends

As owners it can come naturally for us to have our pet tag along with us on our daily activities. We want them to come along as we see this as a form of bonding and to keep you company. But is it always good to have him tag along? 

That depends on where you’re going. If your planning on visiting a friend, for a quick walk around the park, or perhaps hang-out for a picnic, that would be perfectly fine. However, if you plan to catch up with your friend it may be best to ask him first if it’s okay. Also you should know if your friend is allergic to your dog. This may cause some trouble. But if your friend is fine, and he has a good relationship with your dog, then, by all means, bring him along.

Never forget to have your dog vaccinated by your veterinarian Las Vegas, NV before even thinking about taking him out in public areas. Learn more here.

Keeping your cat entertained in your home

You have a cat in your life who spends most of her time in your home with you. How can you keep her entertained in this space?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to understand that there are plenty of things to do in your home, so make sure you are able to show her these when she is looking for something to do. This can be done by placing interesting toys in locations where you know she will come across them and make a point to spend time with her when you can both take part in fun activities. Be sure to get to know her so you will have an idea of what she is interested in, as this will help you to better plan things for her to do and choose pet supplies she will utilize regularly. For more information, please contact your local Veterinary clinic Burlington ON.

Can Farm Chickens Sweat ?

Making sure your chickens have water at all times is important for their overall health and wellness. This is important for all chickens no matter the breed and no matter if they live on your farm, in your backyard, or in your porch. Chickens do not have sweat glands and can’t actually sweat. They can cool themselves off sort of like dogs do. How? They pant in a similar way to dogs, which enables them to keep cool by eliminating the heat in their bodies. Chickens are able to do this by evaporating water located on the surface tissue of the lungs. When a chicken breaths air into his lungs a ‘heat exchange’ takes place. When he exhales he sends out the warm air is able to lower his body temperature. Keeping water available helps chickens stay cool as well. Without water they can be prone to heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. Talk to your vet Bruce Crossing MI to learn more.

Tips To Feed Your Cat's Curiosity

In the wild, cats are natural-born hunters, so it’s not uncommon to see our cats always exploring about the house and getting in all sorts of trouble. But getting mad at them will surely be bad for your relationship with your furball. The best way to deal with the issues is to find positive ways to feed your pet’s curious streak. There are a lot of cat-safe toys that will keep your cat busy and well-stimulated--physically and mentally throughout the day. Consider buying him puzzle toys and treat toys. When they are not bored, they won’t have the time to develop undesirable habits. If you don’t want your cat messing up with your things in the drawer, dresser, or cabinet, make sure you secure them in the first place. Your vet Rochester, NY is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and well-being. Visit this site to know more.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Why You Should Consider Adopting A Mature Cat

Cats are said to be entering their senior years by the time they turn 8 years old. If you are thinking of sharing your life and home with a pet cat, you should consider adopting a mature cat. Doing so offers several benefits -- they have shed off the capriciousness and friskiness of kittens, and their physical attributes and personalities are already fully formed. Being able to observe a mature cat up close will enable you to gauge pretty quickly whether he’s a good match or not. Unlike kittens that are bursting with enthusiasm and energy, mature cats have mellowed and are more moderate in their feline pursuits. They are also less inclined to engage in attention-seeking behaviors compared to younger cats. They are content keeping their own company for a longer time. Since their habits are already well-formed, they use litter boxes and scratching posts without any fuss. 

Your senior pet will benefit from regular health and dental checks at your animal clinic Rochester, NY. Click this link to know more:

The Perks of Boarding Your Cat

Whether you are at home or not, your beloved cat can take care of itself as it has natural animal instincts to hunt and find food. But if you are planning to travel or be away from your home for a significant period of time, you should consider boarding your cat so it can be well taken care of. Consider the following reasons why boarding your cat would be beneficial. 

First of all, when you put your cat in a boarding facility, you are assured that there are trained staff available to care for your cat every single day. This is impossible if you leave your cat at home or ask a relative to monitor or just check in on your beloved feline friend at certain times of the day. 

Boarding facilities are well-equipped to care for cats, especially those that have a medical issue. Many of these boarding facilities offer veterinary services or are partnered with animal clinic nearby. 

If you are still searching for a reputable boarding facility for your furball, you should ask your vet Webster, NY for recommendations. Read more here.

Do Kittens Have a Teething Phase Like Puppies?

Puppies go through a teething phase and they can be a handful while their teeth are coming out. They tend to chew anything in an effort to alleviate the gum pain and discomfort that they are feeling. But do kittens undergo a similar teething phase? The answer is: yes! 

Although teething in kittens are not as noticeable as in puppies, they can still suffer from teething problems. Their gums can still ache when teeth erupt. During this time, your kitty may also like to chew on something, anything to relieve the pain and discomfort. It may be a chew toy, a dental treat, or even your hand. To help your beloved kitten during the teething phase, you can get a small rag or piece of cloth and keep it cold by placing it in the freezer for a few hours. You can put this rag on your finger or arm when he starts to nip you while playing or cuddling. 

Any sign of dental problem exhibited by your kitty should be brought to the attention of your best veterinarians Webster, NY.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Why your cat tends to sleep so much

Your cat loves being able to nap whenever she gets the chance to and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything she needs to get the sleep she needs. This makes you wonder – why does she need so much rest? 

Your feline friend tends to expend a lot of energy throughout the day. She does so through play and simply going about her regular routine. She also uses a lot of energy when digesting and processing her high protein diet. Her body simply needs a lot of sleep to function properly. Her wild instincts still impact her behavior and this is why she tends to nap instead of sleeping in one long stretch, as this will give her opportunities to get up and survey her surroundings. For more information, please contact your local vet Crown Point, IN.