Monday, 14 December 2020

Playing With Your Cat


Just like dogs, cats enjoy a lot of activities that are both physically or mental-stimulating. Physical and mental stimulation allow them to enjoy as well as stay healthy and happy. More importantly, all these activities help get rid of boredom in their life. If you are looking for other ways to entertain and engage your beloved furry feline friend, you can get ideas from the quick list shared below:

Playing with a Laser Light

Since cats truly love to chase things that they find interesting, you can try using laser light to keep your beloved cat busy for quite some time. Do keep in mind that it's not safe to point the laser light directly into anyone's eyes, including your cat's.

Play "Fetch"

You might be surprised, but some smart cats can learn how to play fetch. Positive reinforcement will make him learn faster.

Fishing Rod Toy

This is quite related to the chasing activity. You can put a toy or something light like a feather at the end of the rod string.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should require an appointment with your veterinarian Anderson, IN.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

How You Can Deal With Cat Dander

vet Carmel Valley

There are a lot of people that get allergic to cats and think the root cause is the fur of these cats. The truth is, the root cause or culprit is a certain protein found in the dander of these cats.

Dander in cats is created in a really simple way. When cats lick their bodies during a grooming session, their saliva gets deposited or stays in the body area which got licked. Sooner or later, the saliva gets dry and flakes off, forming dander which later goes airborne. Aside from getting airborne, dander gets left in surfaces where the cat rubs against and places where the cat frequents, which coincidentally are some places where people in the household stay or frequent.

The following are some quick tips to cut down the dander in your surroundings:

     You can try vacuuming the hair coat of your beloved cat. This will suck up a lot of dander and loose hair.

     Bath your cat at least once weekly

Any skin or hair coat problem should be brought to the attention of your vet Carmel Valley. 

Pets And Medications -- How To Avoid Adverse Reactions Against Medicines

veterinarian San Diego CA

Side effects and adverse reactions from vaccines, medications, and grooming products such as shampoos are common in pets. Knowing what to do when this happens is important for pet owners.

Pet owners should be aware of the side effects that these may have on their pets. They should also be able to identify signs and symptoms should these manifest upon ingestion or application of certain medications and products. Itching, inflammation, hair loss, hives, skin infection, ear infection are among the common adverse reactions. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea are also a possibility; respiratory symptoms include difficulty breathing; other reactions include drooling, seizures, and collapse.  

Adverse drug reactions can be very unpredictable and have a sudden onset. However, there are preventive measures to avoid adverse drug reactions. As pet owners, it’s your responsibility to familiarize yourselves with the medication that would be prescribed by the veterinarian including its potential side effects. Notify the veterinarian first should you wish to give your pets any medications or supplements on top of those prescribed already. Each pet you have in your household should have its separate medication and supplements. Be guided by the instructions about the right dosage and proper drug administration provided by your veterinarian San Diego, CA.

Great Choices for First-time Bird Owners


vet clinic Salisbury NC

Are you considering adopting a bird to add to your family? Birds can make wonderful pets for the right people. If you’re a first-time bird owner, you’ll probably want to avoid jumping in headfirst. Luckily, there are some great options for beginner bird owners.

Budgies, more commonly known as parakeets, are a good first-time choice if you’re interested in keeping a bird as a pet. Budgies are small and easy to care for, and they’re very friendly and affectionate when they’re socialized and well-cared for. The canaries are another good option—they’re simple to take care of and don’t need a lot of physical handling, and their vibrant colors are always a hit. Last but not least, cockatiels are very popular. Females are recommended as they tend to be a bit less aggressive than their male counterparts. 

If your new pet bird needs their first veterinary checkup, consult your vet clinic Salisbury, NC for help.

Friday, 11 December 2020

The Basics of Catnip


vet Savannah GA

You’ve probably heard of catnip before. And if you’ve ever tried it on your feline friend, you might have seen her go crazy for the stuff. But what exactly is catnip? And more importantly, is it safe for your pet?

Catnip is an herb, closely related to other common herbs like mint and basil. It grows in the wild all across North America and in many parts of the world. In pet stores, you’ll find a dried and processed version, often called “raw” catnip, and you can also find toys, sprays, and other products infused with catnip. And it’s perfectly safe—it causes a chemical reaction in your cat’s brain but it’s perfectly harmless, and your pet can’t get addicted or overdose. The effects wear off after only a few moments, so don’t hesitate to give your pet catnip as often as you’d like.

Learn more about catnip and your cat’s behavior by calling your vet Savannah, GA.

Are You Making These Common Pet Owner Mistakes?


All of us strive to be the best pet owners we can possibly be. But everyone makes mistakes. All that matters is that you try to avoid them as best you can. It’s helpful to know what to watch out for so that you don’t make the same mistake twice!

One of the leading mistakes pet owners make is not keeping up with preventative medications. Having your pet wear a year-round heartworm medication and a flea and tick preventative are important steps to staying disease- and infestation-free. It’s also important that you feed your pet an appropriate diet that’s made for their age, breed, and size. Finally, don't forget to schedule regular checkups at the vet’s office. That way, your vet can examine your pet regularly and catch any health problems early on. 

Is your pet in need of an exam? Click here to get in touch with your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA.

What Causes Obesity In Pet Rabbits?


vet Ellicott City MD

Pet rabbits that are mostly kept at the confines of their enclosure, with less time outdoors will struggle with obesity. Consuming excessive amounts of calories than they can manage to burn off with physical activities is a risk factor for obesity. Rabbits can pack on extra pounds if fed with sugary treats. Treats only add more calories to your rabbit’s daily food intake limit. Practice moderation when feeding them. Fruits and vegetables are healthier substitutes if you do offer them treats. Rabbit owners should give their pet rabbits some freedom to spend some time outside their respective enclosures. This would allow them to actively act based on their instinctive behavior of jumping and hopping around from time to time. Before allowing them to escape, check if the room is already rabbit-proofed to prevent unwanted accidents from happening.

Is it possible to know when your pet rabbit has gained some weight? As it turns out, there are established standards set for each rabbit breed. Based on these standards, the normal body weight and size of the breed serves as the basis for body condition score determination. Veterinarians are quite familiar with this process; you can ask your vet Ellicott City, MD should you need help.