Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Tips To Dealing with An Aloof Cat

If a cat that is friendly and affectionate most of the time suddenly becomes aloof and even hostile, you should never ignore the issue. Cats are such sensitive creatures and sudden changes in their behavior can mean they are suffering from certain issues, like a medical condition or stress. Finding out what is causing your pet to behave this way can go a long way in resolving the issue. Perhaps there is a change in your home, such as a new housemate, the arrival of a new pet, or a new baby. Cats hate change especially when it occurs in their immediate environment or affect their daily routine. Being exposed to environmental stressors can have an effect on your pet’s moods and temperament. One way of dealing with the problem is to have more opportunities for interaction with your kitty. This way, he won’t feel neglected and much of an outsider. Any sudden change in your pet’s behavior should be brought to the attention of your vet Plano, TX.

More information here: https://planotxvets.com/

Why Your Dog's Fart Stinks

A dog with a stinky fart is certainly a bummer! If you have been dealing with your dog’s gassiness frequently, you should find out the underlying cause so you won’t have to endure these ‘scent bombs’. There are many factors that can cause excessive gassiness in dogs. Gas in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a normal by-product of the process of digestion and metabolism. Excessive gas buildup, however, can be caused by consumption of gas-forming foods, indigestion, feeding table scraps, and sudden switching to a new type of pet food. Cabbage, beans, cauliflower, and brocolli are some foods easily undergo fermentation in the GIT, resulting in the build-up of gases and stinky farts. Switching to a new diet without observing a transition period can lead to digestive upsets and gas buildup. 

If you have an issue or concern with your pet’s gassiness, you should make an appointment with your animal hospital Plano, TX.

Why You Should Share Your Life And Home With a Cat

Many people love cats, and despite not being as social as dogs, a lot of us have had cats as pets in our homes, sharing our lives with them. They’re quite lovable, and always appreciate cuddles from their owners. They even like to sleep in their owner’s beds. Like any pet, having a cat can become a lifetime commitment. Cats will need love and attention the same way as dogs do. The following are great reasons why you should have a cat:
  • Cats are sweet little creatures, though not as showy as dogs, they can get very social with us and will accompany us in the house.
  • Our health and emotional well-being can be greatly improved by having pets around. They can relieve our stress and have even been known and proven to aid in lowering blood pressure. That is why a daily interaction with pets is beneficial.
 Your pet will benefit from regular health checks and dental visits at your animal hospital Frisco, TX.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Can Kibble Cause Vomiting In Cats?

Cats can develop stomachache when they eat kibble or dry pet food. As an alternative, you can give your pet some canned pet food and check if persistent vomiting still occurs. If you get a positive result then it is better to avoid giving them kibble and continue the canned pet food. 

As a precautionary measure, do not leave kibble anywhere in the house where the sensitive cats can eat them even if it is intended for the other cats. 

Do not allow those sensitive cats to come near the food bowls of the other cats as they may explore those bowls for some kibble. 

In reality, kibble is not the only reason that causes them to vomit or acquires stomach ache. Some cats can get sick by eating wet or canned pet food containing gravy or other ingredients not suitable for them. Depending on the severity, minor stomach problems need not be treated and can disappear within a day while the major ones need to be checked-up by an animal hospital Frisco, TX.

Probiotic Supplements for Cats

Did you know that some cats may prone to occasional stomach upset? Have you noticed your cat has had recent diarrhea or constipation? If so, give your vet a call to schedule a checkup. There could be a serious illness going on or it could be as simple as your cat having some slight digest system troubles causing the upset. In the case of digestive issues, some vets have found treatment with a probiotic supplement to be fairly effective. Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in your cat’s digestive tract. Many cats can benefit from a probiotic supplement as they not only aid digestion, but they also help build up the immune system. Some experts have found that probiotics can be used to treat diarrhea, irritable bowel, and intestinal inflammation. They may also be used to prevent urinary tract infections and may reduce inflammation in the intestines. Learn more from your vets New Orleans, LA. Schedule an appointment today!

Where to place your pocket pet’s enclosure

Your pocket pet depends on you for a lot and you want to make sure you are giving her exactly what is needed to help her make the most of her time in your care. This will mean making sure she not only has a nice enclosure to call her own, but also that she is able to enjoy it in a safe area. 

To determine where to put your pet’s enclosure, you will need to think about where she will be able to stay safe and comfortable. This means keeping her out of high traffic areas where she will get bumped into frequently as well as areas where the temperature changes regularly, like near air vents or frequently opened doors. This should also be in a place where she is able to get away from other pets and unsupervised children. Your local trustworthy veterinary clinic Virginia Beach VA can help you better understand what your pet needs from you.

Caring for a cat

You have wanted to bring a feline friend into your life for a while now and you are eager to get to know a new addition. How can you take the time to prepare for her care?

Your time with a cat will give you a wonderful chance to look after a furry friend who can become a part of your family. This means that you will need to anticipate spending plenty of time with her so she can get to know you. Your little fur ball needs you to take the time to think about all the different pet supplies she will need so you can bring them home to her. You will also need to take the time to ready your home to keep her safe while also clearing portions of your schedule to tend to her needs. For additional information on looking after your pet, please contact your local veterinarian Virginia Beach VA.

Cats and Gingivitis

Did you know that cats need to have their teeth brushed on a routine basis? You can do this with a vet approved toothbrush and toothpaste or use a pet tooth wipe and wipe the teeth down yourself. Even feeding your cat crunchy dental snacks can help keep the teeth clean. Why is it so important? Because cats can develop gum disease like gingivitis when food, tartar and plaque buildup on the teeth. Gingivitis is said to be one of the first stages of periodontal disease or infections related to areas around the teeth including the gums. It usually causes severe redness, irritation, and inflammation along the gum line and sometimes on the side of the mouth. One of the first sings of gingivitis is often extreme bad breath known as halitosis. If you notice your cat has bad breath or appears to have trouble eating (possibly due to inflamed gums), please notify your vets New Orleans, LA right away. To know more, visit this link: https://www.metairievets.com/

Dogs and Constipation

Is your dog having trouble pooping? Does he appear to be straining to poop, or passing hard and dry stools? These could be signs of constipation. If this goes on for more than a day, please call your vet. Constipation is common in dogs every now and again. Constant or long lasting constipation is not common and should be treated. Symptoms constipation include straining, dry stools, lack of pooping, mucous or blood covered stools, vomiting, lack of appetite, depression and possibly swelling around the anus. Possible causes for constipation may involve swallowed bones, swallowed hair, swallowed foreign objects, excessive fiber in the diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, trauma, stress, change in environment, change in hormones, change in blood potassium or blood thyroid levels, etc. Take note of symptoms and possible causes of constipation in your dog and contact your veterinarian New Orleans, LA for more treatment.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Showing Your Yorkie

If you are looking to compete with your Yorkie in a dog show, then it’s a good idea to decide up front if you’ll be competing on a local, national, or international level. If you’re not familiar with the world of dog showing then local shows will most likely give you the start you need. If your dog is purebred and you are interested in showing in sanctioned shows where points are earned then check into the American Kennel Club (AKC). You and your canine will need to be registered with the club for access to show. Your Yorkie will also need to be at least six months of age to compete. Please note that spayed or neutered dogs are not eligible to compete in confirmation classes. The AKC provides information for first time showers and also offers practice shows when possible. Ask your pet clinic Dutchess County, NY if they know of other shows in your area.

To know more, visit this link: https://www.billingsanimalhospitalny.com/

Signs of Degenerative Myelopathy in Canines

Are you familiar with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)? This is a serious disease that affects a variety of breeds like the German Shepherd and Corgi. If you notice your canine is having trouble moving about and in particular is having difficulty with his backend, please call your vet. Your dog’s inability to move normally could be a sign of an underlying disease or illness such as DM. DM is an incurable disease of the nerves and spinal cord, which can cause loss of mobility and feeling in the legs. Only your vet can diagnose DM. Symptoms of the disease include a progressive weakness of the hind area, difficulty rising, difficulty jumping, stumbling, knuckling of the toes and dragging of the nails, wearing of the inner toes or the rear paws, and loss of muscle in the rear legs. Although the disease is not as painful, it can cause distress and anxiety in your dog. Please contact your pet clinic Dutchess County, NY to learn more.

Pet sitter basics

You have a furry friend in your life who needs someone to look after her whether you are available to do so or not. What should you know about choosing a pet sitter to find a great option for your little fur ball?

Your pet needs you to understand that there are a lot of ways to meet her needs, but she is a creature of habit and would like to have some familiarity in your absence. Consider potential pet sitters and their ability to consistently give your pet the care she needs, then take the time to determine who you trust the most. This should also be someone your pet is comfortable spending time around to ensure that she will be able to enjoy herself while you are out of town. Your local most recommended veterinary clinic Lewisville TX can offer additional suggestions.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Curious cat basics

You have a feline friend in your life who is very eager to explore her surroundings. What should you know about the habits of a curious cat like this in order to help her meet her needs?

Your cat is an intelligent creature who likes to know her surroundings. This helps her to feel at ease within them and allows her to make the most of her time by being aware of what her activity options are. A curious cat will be motivated to get into everything she can, so it’s important to establish firm boundaries. Remember that cats are very agile and they are able to sneak into tight spaces if they are motivated to do so. This will help you to keep her safe, as she might not be aware of what hazards exist within your living space. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Lewisville TX.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Your Cat Won't Eat. What Should You Do?

Disastrous consequences can result from going off-food in cats. So whenever your beloved furry feline friend stares at the food bowl more and eats less, you should start to be concerned. Monitor your beloved cat carefully as this could be one of the initial signs of illness. 

Try to encourage your cat to eat a lot more by offering him some canned cat food and see if he obliges. If you think your cat has a loss of appetite that is not due to a health problem, you can try to arouse his appetite by offering him some canned tuna. A lot of cats are unable to resist the meaty allure of canned tuna. Note though, that while canned tuna might be a good lure to stimulate his appetite, you need to offer this in small quantities so you can prevent deficiencies from happening or the excess of specific nutrients in his diet. 

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your vet Bourne, MA during your pet’s wellness visits.

Do Painted Turtles Sleep?

Are you an owner of a painted turtle? Have you kept a close eye on him to see what kind of sleeping habits he has? Painted turtles are fresh water turtles that enjoy living in warm temperatures. In the wild they often stay in marshes, lakes, creeks, streams, etc. The painted turtle loves to sleep under water and often buried in the mud at the bottom of the water for extra comfort and protection. This means that your painted turtle needs to have a warm habitat with plenty of water, dirt, dry areas to sunbathe, and lots of warmth either from direct sunlight or a light in the habitat as recommended by your vet or pet store associate. Turtles like the painted turtle need to have at least 10 to 12 hours of sunlight each day. This helps him sleep more comfortably. For more tips on how to keep your turtle comfy so he sleeps well, give your veterinarian Decorah IA a call.

Cats and Pregnancy

Interested in breeding your cat? Or, are you raising a pregnant feline? If you answer yes to either of these then it’s probably important that you learn about cats and pregnancies from your vet. For instance, did you know that most cats have a gestation period of about nine weeks? Some cats will generally start to show physical and behavioral changes soon after they become pregnant. If you suspect your cat is pregnant, then set up an exam with your vet to find out. Your vet may be able to verify if your cat is pregnant and possibly identify how far along the cat is in the pregnancy. If you don’t want your cat to become pregnant then consider having her spayed or make sure you keep her in doors especially during warm weather as this is the time most cats go into heat. Click to learn more or contact your veterinarian Santa Rosa, CA.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Budget-Friendly Ways To Keep Your Dog Happy

Pet owners should know how to keep their pet dog happy aside from providing them the essentials in life like a healthy balanced diet, suitable shelter, medical care, and physical and mental exercise. Dogs love repeated and routine activities and regular playtime. 

Having a strong alpha leader 

The leader of the dog pack must be uniform in managing different kinds of behavior. Any deviation from the usual standard may confuse the member-dogs resulting in a chaotic attitude. 

Having a regular playtime 

Dogs will forever be playful. Regardless of the circumstances, they make every moment as playtime especially when there are other dogs around. Their act of playing is actually beneficial to them. Aside from enhancing your relationship with your dogs, it also stimulates their mind and body. 

Following a daily routine 

Dogs perform well on routine activities and any interference will cause them anxiety. It is no wonder that dogs follow a certain schedule in taking their meals, going to sleep, and playing around. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and dental checks at your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD. To know more, click this link: https://vethowardcounty.com/

Dry and Canned Dog Food: What Pet Owners Need to Know

Your choice of whether to give your pet dry, canned, or other types of dog food would largely depend on you as well as your dog. 

High-quality, dry dog food has less moisture content and therefore it will give your beloved dog more of the nutrients that he needs unlike other types of pet food. By giving him high-quality dry dog food, you won't have to feed your beloved pet as much just to satisfy him or his daily nutritional requirements, making this an ideal and more practical choice for large dog breeds. Moreover, dry dog food or kibbles cost much less servings-wise. 

You can leave dry pet food, unlike canned pet foods, in your pet's food bowl all day without worrying about it getting spoiled. dogs that suffer from dental health issues also benefit from eating dry dog food (especially dog food that promotes good dental health). Meanwhile, high-quality canned food contains high moisture content, more meat, and more meat-based ingredients. 

Consult your vet Columbia, MD before making any changes to your pet’s diet. Or set an appointment at this website Howard County Animal Hospital.

The Leopard Gecko

Interested in keeping a gecko as a pet? How about the leopard gecko.The Leopard Gecko is a small lizard that comes in a variety of colors and color patterns. This particular gecko is known to be an easy keepers, which makes him a great candidate for first time lizard owners or first time pet owners. This little lizard is generally docile and can be easily tamed. The leopard gecko doesn’t mind being handled either. It’s important to know that the leopard gecko is nocturnal so he will be most active at night. Unlike other geckos, this little guy doesn’t need special lighting since he likes the night time. The leopard gecko has a pretty long lifespan of 15 to 20 years. If you want a lizard, make sure you’re able to keep a long term commitment. For additional information learn more about the leopard gecko from your local vet clinic Winneshiek County IA.

Meeting a Pet Rat’s Housing Needs

Are you aware that pet rats are acknowledged as some of the most intelligent pet rodents in the world? Pet rats are social animals and should never be mixed up with their dirty vermin relatives. If you are interested in getting a pet that craves for a lot of interaction, a pet rat would be a worthy consideration.

A pet can live easily in a wire enclosure that has many levels. Pet rats are bodies full of energy and they like climbing as well as exploring their enclosures so try to make their enclosures engaging. An enclosure with 2 or 3 stories would provide many opportunities for a good dose of mental and physical stimulation.

Some pet owners use fish tanks as pet rat enclosures, but fish tanks aren't ideal for pet rats for various reasons. A fish tank doesn't enable proper ventilation because the surrounding is all covered with glass. Also, glass is much harder to maintain and clean when compared to a wired mesh enclosure. In any case, regular cleaning is really important.

If you have questions about your pet’s needs, don’t hesitate to call your animal hospital Cedar Rapids, IA.

Or make an appointment here: https://animalcarehospital.org/.

Leash Walking With Your Dog

Owning a dog entails many responsibilities. Taking him for walks is one. But your dog has to be trained to go on walks with a leash on. This is an excellent training and also provides him with the necessary physical and mental stimulation. The sights, sound, and scents will do wonders to his senses. While your dog may enjoy the outdoors without a leash, and there are plenty of spaces that will allow him to do so, having a leash on means that you have control over his movements and behavior which can sometimes cause trouble to others. There are many types of leash in the market. A typical collar that goes around his neck and a body harness which fits his front body. It’s preferable to have the body harness since the pressure of pulling is distributed throughout his body as compared to a collar which can potentially damage his neck.

Your veterinarian Marion IA area is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Causes of Drooling In Cats

Pet cats tend to drool quite a bit whenever they are contented and happy with you or something else. But you need to be forewarned because there are cases when drooling is a red flag of a possible critical health problem. 

There are many potential drooling causes that warrant an immediate checkup with your preferred vet or the nearest animal clinic. Drooling could be caused by some forms of cancer or viral infections. Drooling can also be brought about by trauma and fear. Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus infection (also called feline herpes) is one of the most typical causes of feline respiratory problems. Cats can recover from this infection, but such cats can remain as carriers for some time beyond the recovery period. Drooling can also be caused by squamous cell carcinoma (or SCC) because of the tumors that are found around the mouth, the ears, or even eyes. 

If you find that your cat is drooling often and unusually, you should bring him to the vet Leesburg, VA as soon as possible. More information here.

How to Keep Your Dog Safe on Your Next Road Trip

If you love your pet and you love road trips as well, it's definitely a great idea to bring your pet along with you for a one-of-a-kind adventure once in a while. Still, it is worth making the right preparation every time you plan to travel with your pet. 

By preparing and heeding the following road trip tips, you eliminate or lessen the chances that you will encounter last-minute issues and you also increase the likelihood of having a safe and enjoyable trip with your beloved furry canine friend:
  • You must place your dog inside the dog carrier or crate. This is your best bet if you want to keep him safe all throughout the road trip. By being inside the dog crate, your dog won't cause any inconvenience to your fellow passengers
  • An alternative way to manage your dog inside the car is to use a harness and place him at the backseat
Before taking your pet on a road trip, be sure that his vaccinations and preventatives are up-to-date. Contact your vet clinic Leesburg, VA for more information.

Playtime With Your Cat

Cats love to play around, despite them napping all the time, play is an essential activity for your feline buddy. It provides them with the necessary physical and mental stimulation to help keep them healthy. While playing with our cats can be great, we can easily get caught up with everyday tasks. Instead, you can get another cat of the same sex and age, and activity level as yours as your cat’s playmate. However, if getting a new cat is out of the question, then squeezing in at least 2-3 times of playtime with your cat is required. 

Try scheduling a routine with your cat as they tend to be habitual. Once you establish a routine, stick to it. A play session of about 10-20 minutes will do fine, depending on your cat’s activity level. Consider using toys when playing. Feathers, toys tied to the end of a fishing pole and other similar items will allow your cat to enjoy himself as well as engage his natural predator moves. 

Do consult your vet Ashburn, VA if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and behavior. Read more here.

Pugs Make Adorable Pets

Many pet owners love having pugs as their pets. This is because pugs are quite popular for being "people dogs" and enjoying the company of their pet owners. And did you know that the wrinkles found in the forehead of pugs are said to appear like the Chinese character for "prince"? 

Pugs are small and therefore considered as toy dog breeds, but they are one of the largest members of the toy dog breeds as they can reach between 14 to 18 pounds once fully grown. Pugs can gain a lot of weight and become obese because they have a strong appetite (something pet owners need to seriously consider and monitor). 

Due to the anatomical anomaly in the pug's facial bones, they can create a lot of unusual noises. They are known to snuffle, wheeze, or even snore while sleeping. Some of them can also experience repeated gassiness or breathing issues. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and dental checks at your vet clinic Ashburn, VA. Click this website Lansdowne Animal Hospital for additional details.

Keeping your pet safe in your home

Your pet is a big part of your life and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything required in order to meet her needs in a way that will keep her content. This makes you wonder – how can you help her stay safe in your home?

Your pet needs you to figure out what you can do to remove hazards from the areas she spends time in. This means making sure to pet-proof these spaces for her, regardless of what is needed to do so. She will need to be able to roam about worry-free and this will likely take some effort and supervision to make sure she isn’t taking part in thing she shouldn’t be. Offering her plenty of activities she can safely do will help deter her from her other options as well. For more information, please contact your local vets Anderson IN.

Looking after your cat’s oral health

You have a cat in your life who is eager to enjoy her time by your side. She wants to make sure she is able to meet all her needs on a daily basis, and she will have to look to you for help with this. How can you help her look after her oral health?

Your cat needs you to continually take a look at her mouth in order to address any issues that may arise. This may mean seeking out ways to prevent issues from occurring and tending to them if and when they arise. Think about what you can do to help your little fur ball keep her mouth in top shape. Regularly brushing her teeth may help to keep her oral health in check and allow you the visibility into her mouth that you need. Your local vet Fort Collins CO can help you better understand your pet.

Signs of Heartworm Disease in Cats

Are you familiar with heartworm disease? Heartworm disease is very serious in cats and can even be fatal without treatment. Heartworms are capable of invading the bloodstream of cats most often through mosquito bites or other insect bites. The heartworms can travel through the bloodstream and attack the heart, lungs, etc. You should make sure your cat is tested annual for heartworms and keep your cat on a monthly prevention medication. Signs of possible heartworm infection may include coughing, asthma, vomiting, decreased appetite and weight loss. Some cats may experience difficulty walking, fainting, seizures, or even build up of fluid in the abdomen. Notify your vet immediately of these symptoms. Heartworm disease can cause heart failure and even respiratory conditions such as HARD. The best way to protect your cat from heartworms is to prevent them. Please talk to your vet Cornelius NC to learn more.

Some Pros and Cons Of Spaying

Spaying is a preventive surgical procedure that forbids the female dog's heat cycle from happening and therefore putting a stop to any chance of getting pregnant (and overpopulation). Many pet owners are aware of the benefits of having their pets spayed, but there are still many pet owners out there that are doubtful and concerned with the effects of spaying. 

To help you decide whether getting your pet spayed is the right option, consider the quick list of pros and cons we've shared below. 


A dog that has been spayed have decreased risk of getting certain types of cancer (like ovarian, uterine, and breast cancer). The better news is that the cancer risk is much lower if the dog has been spayed prior to puberty, and spayed dogs are not at risk of getting pyometra (uterine infection). 


Pet owners are hesitant because they have deep concerns about the risks of spaying (which is a surgical procedure). 

Your best veterinarians Ashburn, VA is an important source of information about your pet’s health and well-being.

Is your canine companion with you all the time?

You have a dog in your life who loves to spend time by your side. In fact, she is often right by your side. Why is this?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to enjoy her time in your care and she genuinely loves your company. She also depends on you for care and she understands that you are the person who looks after her. Staying by your side is not only to her benefit, but it also helps her feel at ease because of this. Your pet is a curious creature and needs to be able to check out new activities, and she knows that she’s more likely to do so when she is with you since the action in your home tends to follow you around. Your local pet clinic Tampa, FL can offer additional suggestions Or make an appointment here: https://baycrestanimalclinic.com/.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Dogs and Rain Coats

Have you ever seen a dog wearing a rain coat? Have you ever wondered if the dog actually needs a rain coat? Some dog owners like to dress up their dog to fit the weather. You may see a dog in a rain coat when the weather is wet and soggy. You may also see a dog with a t-shirt on if it’s overly hot and bright out. Other people simply dress their dog up in doll clothes or similar clothes because they enjoy it. The truth is, most dogs do not need any kind of rain coat or other clothing covering. If you own a senior canine and your vet has recommended him not being in the rain then of course you may need to get a rain coat. However, most young and middle aged dogs do just fine in the rain without a coat. Of course, you may need to dry them off when the get inside. Talk to your pet clinic Parkland, FL to learn more. Or click this link: https://www.heronlakesvet.com/

The Sensitive Side of the Afghan Hound

The Afghan hound is widely known for his high speed and ability to maneuver easily through all kinds of obstacles. He’s a fierce hunter and competitor, but he has a sensitive side too, literally. The hound is s sight dog meaning he hunts by super sensitive sight. He can outrun a deer, gazelle or even a leopard. However, he’s also super sensitive to pain. The smallest of injuries can cause great discomfort for this slender built hound. For example, Afghan hounds are recommended for owners that are gentle and experienced in training. Afghans typically make wonderful pets for families with older children that are quiet and well behaved. A calm atmosphere is the Afghan’s preference.Afghan hounds also need a lot of room to play and run. If you have the calming, soft touch and lots of wide open spaces then you may want to ask your veterinarian Cincinnati, OH if there are Afghan hounds available in your area. Visit this website to know more.

Fun Truths About the Abyssinian Cat

The Abyssinian breed of felines is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. The name Abyssinian is in reference to Abyssinia, which is modern day Ethiopia. The Abyssinian is said to be traced back to ancient Egypt where it is believed the cat was worshipped or held in high esteem. The cat is found in many murals, paintings, and drawings from this time period. This feline is known for its rich ancestry as well as its unique looks. The Abyssinian has a distinct Tabby-Ticked coat that comes in four colors including red, fawn, blue and ruddy. The cat’s eyes are almond shaped and often come in green or gold colorings. The body of the is slender yet muscular. This cat is very intelligent. He’s also said to be somewhat of a clown as he is very playful yet mischievous. For more details about this breed, call your veterinarians Cincinnati OH.

What to look for in a cat collar

Your cat needs a collar in order to safely let others know she has a place to call home. This means that it is an essential pet supply item that should be with her at all times. What should you look for when seeking out a collar for her?

Your pet needs you to take the time to think about what you can do to offer her a comfortable way to carry around her identification tags. This will mean seeking out a collar that allows her to move about freely, enjoy her time without worrying about the weight of her collar, and forget she’s even wearing it because it fits so well. Look for something durable that will work with her lifestyle to get the best results for your little fur ball. For additional information, please contact your local vet Tampa FL.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Bloat in Dogs Like the Samoyed

Bloat is a dangerous illness that can affect any dog no matter the age or breed. Bloat can even affect dogs like the Samoyed. Bloat has been known to occur more often in dogs with deep chest cavities including Rottweilers, Boxers and Great Danes. Bloat can really affect any type of dog and it’s important to understand the illness and recognize it immediately so that treatment can be received. Canine bloat (also known as Gastric Dilation-Volvulus) is a serious and often fatal condition. It happens when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food or fluid causing it to expand. The expansion of the stomach can apply pressure on other organs causing blood to stop flowing to the heart and stomach lining. The stomach can expand so much that it causes a tear in the wall and can even cause the stomach to twist. Consult with your veterinarian Goodyear AZ to learn more.

Where to find the pet supplies your dog needs

Your family wants to make sure everyone in the household is well-cared for and this includes your canine companion. Where can you find the pet supplies she needs?

Your dog needs to count on you to offer her ways to meet her needs and this will include specific pet supplies to help her make this happen. Your little fur ball needs you to scour local pet store to make sure you are bringing home the items she needs. You may be able to get certain items in stores you frequent that have a section dedicated to pets. You can also seek out supplies online and have them delivered to your front door. If you are having trouble finding something, you can try asking your pet’s veterinarian for suggestions. Your local animal hospital Cy-Fair can help you better understand your pet.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Can I Give Milk To My Cat?

Many cats are lactose intolerant. The side effect of consuming milk is vomiting and/or diarrhea. Growing up, cats stop prodcing lactase, an enzyme that can help digest and metabolize lactose, a form of sugar in cow’s milk. Unlike adult cats, the kittens naturally produce enough lactase that helps in digesting the milk from their mother. But later on, the production of lactase gradually lessens when they start consuming solid foods. Another effect on those lactose intolerant cats is the presence of allergies like skin rashes. While those that are not lactose intolerant can manage to drink milk without any side effects.

In addressing this problem, lactose-free milk formula for cats is available in the market today. But this should not be a substitute for their meal requirement although it is a good source of calories, because they don’t have the essential nutrients needed by cats.

You can also call your vet clinic Cherry Hill NJ if you have any questions about your pet’s diet.

Dogs and Heartworm Disease

Did you know that heartworm disease is a serious condition in dogs? It’s important that you have your vet test your dog for heartworms at your dog’s annual/yearly visit. Heartworms can be fatal if they are left untreated. Heartworms come in the form of a foot long worm that is capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your canine. This can cause lung disease and heart failure among other things. You can help protect your dog by having him on a monthly heartworm prevention medication. This is available by prescription only. When your dog tests negative for heartworms, your vet can prescribe the monthly prevention medication. If your dog tests positive for heartworms then aggressive treatment will be needed right away. Once the parasites invade your dog, they can leave permanent damage to the heart, lungs and arteries. Please talk with your animal hospital Coral Springs, FL. More information here: https://www.heronlakesvet.com/

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Use Music To Soothe Your Cat

Cats love the occasional music therapy in the house, especially when they have some behavioral problems. There have been studies and clinical cases that show the positive effects of music in correcting behavior problems in cats. In fact, music has been specifically used by animal behaviorists as a tool to correct cats’ behavior problems. 

Since cats are more sensitive to their environment, loud noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks, and other loud noises can stress them out. But pleasant music can mask these noises to make the cat feel more at ease. There are studies that show how different styles of music can evoke different emotions in cats. For instance, up-beat music has an energizing effect, conversely slower beat music can relax and soothe cats. The same can also be said for rain and running water. Interestingly fast-paced music with some bird noise in the background will make cats more alert and energized.

Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Portland, OR. For more information, click this link: https://portlandpetclinic.com/

Creating Safe Zones for your Dog

Did you know that creating a safe zone for your dog can help your dog have a sense of ownership in the house while also giving him a safe place to play? Safe zones are great when you need to be in another part of your home, but you don’t want to leave the dog unsupervised or in a crate. You may also need to run quick errands outside of the house and need a safe place for your dog to stay.  To make a safe zone in your home, simply block off a room such as a bathroom, kitchen or laundry area. Do a check of the area and make sure there are no power cords on the floor. Place safety plugs into the electric sockets. Give your dog toys, food, water and a bed. Your trusted veterinarians Jacksonville, FL may recommend securing the doorway with a baby gate instead of shutting the door completely.

Getting Your Dog A Bed

Our dogs are more than just pets, they’re a part of the family. It’s thus quite normal for us to buy them things that make their living with us more comfortable. It’s a way for us to show how much we care and love them. Choosing a bed for our canine buddies can be a bit tricky. You should first consider the size of your dog so he fits well in the bed. You should also check where you’ll be placing his bed. Make sure he has extra space so he’s comfortable. Pairing the bed with your home’s colorway is also a good idea. Make sure that you take into consideration additional conditions that your dog may need to help her settle in her bed more comfortably. For example, arthritic dogs may benefit from more padding in their beds. Others may like theirs with looser stuffing so they can move around more freely. Remember though that the size and type of bed will affect the pricing. Know more about your pet’s needs on your next visit to your animal clinic Portland, OR.

How to Board Your Pet Dog

Many dog owners are not in favor of or afraid of boarding their dogs. But the truth is, a lot of dogs are fine as they can easily adapt to staying in a dog boarding center. Still, dog owners are wary about leaving their beloved furry canine friend to a stranger's facility. Having said that, there are times when dog owners really need to use a boarding facility to take care of their beloved pets. When you need to leave your house or travel for a few days, weeks, or months, a boarding facility is a solid option. However, you need to do your research and find a reputable boarding center. Aside from doing research, you can ask your pet-owning friends for suggestions, especially those who have tried boarding services. Another option is to ask your favorite vet or the nearest animal clinic Gresham, OR for tips. Aside from these options, you also need to inspect the suggested boarding facilities before committing to one. Set an appointment at this link: https://portlandpetclinic.com/

Actions to Take When Your Dog Has Been Stung by a Bee

Bee stings can create the same chain of reactions in humans and dogs alike. Having said that, bee sting problems, as well as complications, can be mitigated if you have the proper knowledge in terms of getting rid of the bee sting and attending to the concerned area. 

If a dog has been stung by a bee, he or she can show symptoms such as puffiness in the face, lips, eyes, as well as lumpiness of the skin around the area where the dog has been stung. You need to carefully remove the bee sting, then bathe the affected area with cold water. In the meantime, you need to restrict your dog from moving (keep him in a crate, etc.) to reduce the blood supply flowing to the affected area and thereby reduce the swelling and pain. Like some people stung by a bee, a dog can develop a serious allergic reaction to the bee sting and therefore can be fatal. 

Watch out for symptoms like severe neck or face swelling, collapse, excessive salivation, or breathing difficulty. Bring your dog to the nearest best veterinary hospital Gresham, OR as soon as you can.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

How To Choose A Parasite Prevention That Suits Your Cat

There are several factors that you should take into consideration when choosing a parasite preventive that will give adequate protection to your cat. These include the following: 

Indoor-only or indoor-outdoor 

If your cat is confined indoors, ticks would an unlikely issue for him. But there is still a need to provide protection against fleas, heartworm, and intestinal parasites as they can easily ‘hitch a ride’ and find their way inside your home. Cats that spend time roaming outdoors need both flea and tick preventatives for optimum protection. 

High-risk tick area 

Do you live in a region with a high tick population? If you’re unsure, you can call your veterinary hospital because they have first-hand information about these things. If you’re living in a high-risk area, your cat will need year-round protection for ticks. It is a good idea to find a preventative that can repel both fleas and ticks. But even if you’re not in a high-risk tick area, it is still recommended that indoor-outdoor cats should still be given flea and tick preventatives. 

Current flea infestation 

If your cat is suffering from a heavy flea infestation, there are flea medications that can kill fleas quickly after being administered. 

For treatment or prevention options, connect with your vet Webster, NY.

Dogs and Sunglasses

Dogs may need sunglasses from time to time because of the bright light of the sun and surrounding environment. Your vet may even recommend sunglasses for your dog or protective goggles in order to protect your dog’s eyes from the sun. Some dogs need sunglasses or goggles when riding in cars. When they stick their head out of the car window, the goggles can protect their eyes from debris flying at them at high speed. Dogs that spend the majority of their time outdoors may need sunglasses because their eyes have trouble adjusting to the sunlight when going outdoors. Dogs that go on long walks or hikes around snow in the winter or water in the warmer months may also need sunglasses to reduce the glare of the sun that bounces off the snow or water surface. For more information, call your vet Jacksonville FL.

What Is The Best Kitten Food? -- Ingredients And Quality Of Pet Food

When checking out pet food, always remember that the list of ingredients alone does not give adequate information about the overall quality of the product. There are other factors that contribute to the value of the product aside from the ingredients. These include quality assurance, digestibility of the ration, and the nutrient balance. 

Generic pet food are way down on the quality spectrum because their ingredients are not ‘named’. Instead of ‘beef’ or ‘chicken’, it’s listed as just ‘meat’. Another common example is instead of ‘corn’ or ‘wheat’, it’s listed as ‘grains’ or ‘cereals’. Listing down the ingredients this way makes it possible for the pet food manufacturer to change the ingredients anytime by batch depending on what raw material is cheapest at that time. Although generic pet food may be cheaper compared to premium quality pet food products, they may also contain artificial colors, preservatives, flavors, and binders to make the product more appealing in terms of appearance, aroma, or texture. Cats may not be able to see how colorful their food is (they’re colorblind after all!), but they can be very particular about the taste because of their keen sense of smell. 

Your pet’s diet should be one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Webster, NY during your pet’s health and wellness check.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Maintaining a Pet Odor-Free Home

Pets can bring about a lot of mess around the house on a regular basis and so you should deal with this as soon as you can to prevent further chaos from happening around your house. Otherwise, it would be a lot harder to clean up the mess including getting rid of those stains as well as odors left behind. 

One surefire way to maintain a pet odor-free home is by developing and following a cleaning routine religiously. By doing cleaning on a regular or daily basis, you will be keeping your house clean as well as prevent the nasty odor from piling up to an unmanageable state. 

You should focus more on cleaning those spots that are frequented by your pet. Clean your pet's bedding on a regular basis using water and soap. Sweep the floor or use a vacuum cleaner daily or at least a few times weekly. Keeping a well-trimmed hair and giving your pet a weekly bath will help tremendously too.

Your veterinarian Rochester, NY is a valuable source of information about important concerns affecting your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Click this link to know more: https://rochestercatvet.com/

The Right Cat Toys for Your Kitten

Just like other pets (dogs), young cats learn about the world and their surroundings in the form of play. Everything will seem engrossing to a cat whenever he encounters a new toy or a new environment, so it is important that you give him cat-friendly toys. 

When selecting the right cat toys, you need to list safety on the top of your criteria or priority list always. You need to pick toys that are not easily breakable and those that do not have small parts that your kitten may accidentally swallow. You need to spend time with your kitten; play with him using the new toys you've bought so he'd understand that these items were bought for him to play with. To keep your cat engaged and active, you should buy a variety of cat toys and make sure to play with a different one or rotate the use on a daily basis.

Do connect with your veterinarian Rochester, NY if you have any questions and/or concerns about your pet cat.

What to Do if You Find a Cat

Have you ever come across a stray cat or a cat that appears to be lost? If so, one of the first things you should do is check to see if it’swearing a collar with ID information. Use the information to contact the owners and return the cat. If there’s no ID, then try taking the cat to the vet to have him scanned for a microchip. The microchip could be another way to help identify the cat’s owners. If there’s no ID then you should check social media for reports of a missing cat. Take note of any flyers posted to see if the cat pictured is the one you found. If you can keep the cat until the owner is found that would be great. If you can’t, let your veterinarian Bend, OR know and ask them to care for the cat or find a volunteer to care for the cat until the owner is found. Visit their profile to know more.

How to Deal with Your Dog’s Drool

Let’s face it, we love our dogs. Whether they’re dirty or clean there’s no doubt that we love their companionship. However, cuddling with well-groomed dogs are far more enjoyable. And dogs aren’t necessarily interested in staying that way. They can easily get messy. Aside from getting soiled or mud all over, drooling is another issue. Here are a few tips to easily clean up where they drooled on.

If the drool is on your carpet you can easily remove this by using an old rag or paper towel by soaking it up. Afterward, you can spray on a pet-friendly solution to keep it clean. There should be some instructions on the bottle on how you should use the spray for best use. Just follow it. If, however, your dog has the tendency to drool more often, you can tie a bandanna around his neck. You can have more information with your veterinarian North Dallas TX.