Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Protecting Your Dog's Paws from Heat


Did you know that your dog can hurt his paw pads by walking on hot pavement? Some dog owners may find themselves looking for ways to protect their dog’s feet from the bitter cold and sand treated walkways in the winter. But it’s important to protect the dog’s feet from the extremely hot pavement during the warm months too. It’s true that a dog’s paw pads are tough when it comes to walking on various surfaces, but they are still prone to injury especially if walking on hot pavement or concrete. Place your hand on the pavement first to see if it’s too hot to walk on. Look for signs that your dog’s paw pads have been harmed in the heat. Signs include limping or refusing to walk, excessive chewing or licking of the feet, dark colors of the pads, missing parts of the pads or even blisters and redness. Contact your vets Plano, TX to learn more.

Do Cats Need Life Jackets?


Contrary to popular belief, not all cats are afraid of or dislike the water. Some cats actually enjoy lounging around by the pool and even taking a swim if needed when hunting outdoors. So now that we know cats can and often do enjoy the water, the next question is whether they need a life jacket or not. The basic answer is yes. If you and your cat are going to spend time on the water or in a boat on the water then your cat needs a life jacket. Even if your cat knows how to swim it’s important to have a life jacket on. If your cat falls overboard and is too startled to start swimming or gets knocked out or even tired from swimming then the jacket can keep her afloat. You can find a life jacket for your cat at most pet stores, online stores, etc. Fit is important so make sure to ask your vet Frisco, TX for help.

How Will You Know Your Dog Is Overweight?

Have you ever noticed your beloved pet dog has put on so much more weight? If you interact with your beloved furry canine friend on a daily basis, you might not notice that he has put on so much weight in the past few weeks or months. It might be difficult to detect any weight change in your dog when you are so used to seeing your dog. If you are guilty of this, you might not notice your dog has become obese until it is too late or when he has shown some illness or symptoms. If you have a dog that has a thick or long hair coat, it may make it a lot harder to detect body or weight changes in your beloved dog. You need to be really observant and ideally, you will systematically check his weight on a daily or weekly basis. You can run your hands throughout his body so you can feel any weight-related changes happening.

Consult your veterinarian Marietta, GA before making any changes to your pet’s diet or physical activity. 

More tips can be found at your Smyrna Animal Hospital

Is Your Dog In Season?

Is your female dog in season or "in heat"? The sexual maturity of a female dog starts when it sends off heat signals to male dogs. When a female dog is not neutered or spayed (or sometimes called "fixed"), the female dog can go through estrus or being "in heat" for several times in a given year. A female dog that is in heat would have to be carefully observed and guarded by its respective owner more than their neutered or spayed counterparts.

It is your responsibility as an owner to care for your female dog that's in heat and you need to decide whether or not you want to breed your dog. You don't have to neuter a dog if you want it to breed in the future, but you need to keep in mind that these dogs are at risk of getting some serious medical issues with their reproductive system.

If you have no plans of having your pet mated, you should ask your pet clinic Marietta GA about spaying or neutering. 

Caring for a dog in her senior years


Your dog is getting older and has officially entered into her senior years. How can you care for her properly at this point of her life?
Your dog needs you to be aware of the fact that her needs are constantly changing, as this will mean keeping an eye on her behavior in addition to helping her meet her current needs. It’s also important to understand that she will need you to be by her side and offer lots of love and attention. Your efforts should be focused on keeping her happy and healthy so she can live her life to the fullest. Doing so, in addition to keeping in close contact with her veterinarian, will likely help you better understand how you can help her to thrive throughout her senior years. Your best vet clinic Pickerington, OH can offer additional guidance.

Canine sleeping habits


You have a dog in your life and want to make sure you are able to understand her behavior in order to help her get the sleep her body needs. What should you be aware of when it comes to her sleeping habits?


Your pet needs you to be aware of the fact that there are a lot of different ways she spends her time. Her sleeping habits will work with the rest of her daily activities as well. This is because she will need to replenish the energy she has used up as the day goes by. She will likely seek out time to rest after playing, exercising, or eating in order to help her meet her needs. She will also take advantage of peaceful times in your home when she will be able to relax without interruption. Your best animal hospital Chesapeake, VA can help you care for your pet.

Switching Your Pet Ferret’s Food

Are you looking to switch your pet ferret's diet anytime soon? You should not do the switch too hastily. There must be a transition and you should do it with careful consideration. You should introduce your beloved pet ferret to the new diet in a gradual manner so you won't encounter any problem later on. Once you have decided to really make the switch in terms of the diet, you need to start gradually and feed your pet ferret in small quantities of the new food or diet first. Start by offering the new food using a proven technique: by putting it in your hand and let your pet ferret explore it. Allow your ferret to smell it, look at it, and then taste it, and see his reaction to it. The ferret would be willing to try the new food in your hand than if it was placed on the floor or in his food bowl. 

Consult your local veterinarians New Orleans LA for more information about your pet ferret’s diet.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Attention-Seeking Behaviors In Cats

Cats are quite notorious for flashing a variety of behaviors just so they can get the coveted attention of their respective owners. If you have owned or observed a cat long enough, you would be familiar with or be able to find out the host of attention-getting behaviors of cats and differentiate them from signs or behaviors that signify anxiety or even illness.


They are several signs or behaviors shown by cats that indicate a medical problem or illness. For instance, if your beloved furry feline friend is meowing in an unusual way, or his meow sounds he's upset or alarmed, he might be experiencing a health problem or he is in pain, hungry, or thirsty.

Attention-Seeking Behaviors

Cats seem less social and friendly than dogs are, but they also love company, especially of their owners or the people in the household. If they want attention or their owner is ignoring them, they will wail or meow.

Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital New Orleans LA

Caring for a new addition


You have a new pet coming into your life soon and you want to make sure you are there for her right from the start. How can you make sure you are there for your pet when she needs you?
Your new addition needs to be able to take the time to get used to her new environment. This means that you will be on the lookout for items to bring home for her, ways you can alter your living space so it’s comfortable for her, and what she will need from you for time. This will take some adjustment for you as well, so be mindful of what is needed to help your new pet thrive both upon her homecoming in addition to the days afterwards. Your local animal hospital Tipp City OH can help you better understand your pet.

Monday, 28 September 2020

Pregnancy in Cats


There’s a lot to talk to your vet about when it comes to your cat and pregnancy. If you think your cat may be pregnant, definitely call your vet to schedule an exam. Discovering a pregnancy early can help you better care for your cat during the pregnancy. Pregnancy in cats generally lasts anywhere from 60 to 70 days depending on your cat. Signs that indicate your cat may be pregnant include enlarged and pink nipples and weight gain around the third week of pregnancy. Unlike humans, a blood or urinary test cannot determine if your cat is pregnant. Your vet will need to palpitate the abdomen to feel the babies. Please do not attempt this on your own as it may cause damage to your cat and her unborn kittens. Take your cat in for routine checkups and notify your animal hospital Dutchess County, NY if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

More details here:

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Bad Breath in Dogs


Does your dog have bad breath? This can be a very common problem in dogs. Bad breath can be a sign of numerous things going on with your dog. First, bad breath can simply be the result of your dog not having his teeth brushed regularly. Bad breath can also be the result of something bad smelling that your dog has eaten. On a more serious note, extreme bad breath has a medical term known as Halitosis. This condition usually indicates bad breath so bad that it’s most likely coming from tooth decay or a build up of tartar and plaque. Gingivitis is often the result of extremely bad breath. If your dog’s bad breath lasts for a while without going away then give your vet a call and schedule a checkup. For dental issues, the teeth will need a professional cleaning. Learn more here or inform your vet clinic Dutchess County, NY.

Choosing an enclosure for your pocket pet


You have a pocket pet in your life who needs your help in order to lead a comfortable life day after day. How can you choose an enclosure for her so she can enjoy her time in this space?
Your pet needs you to determine how much space is needed in order to make the most of her time and this will mean making sure you are able to look for something that will be well-suited to her needs and desires. It should be an appropriate size for her to take on any activities that come her way and she should have plenty of open space to get some exercise. This should be able to keep her safely contained and be rather simple for you to keep clean. Your local veterinarian Greater Cincinnati can help you better understand your pet.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Ticks and your canine companion


Your dog wants you to make sure you are able to look after her needs as they arise and you know that this means looking out for her both within your home and in the great outdoors. How can you keep ticks from becoming an issue in your pet’s life?
Your pet is likely to come into contact with ticks at one point or another when spending time outside. This may mean that she needs you to check her over when returning indoors, but additional care may also be necessary. Avoiding places where ticks are known to thrive is a simple way to help your pet come into contact with them less and utilizing commercial deterrents can also add to your pet’s protection. This means that talking to your veterinarian about your options may help you better care for your pet’s needs. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Lexington KY.

Engaging in playtime with your canine companion


You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to engage in playtime with the rest of the family and you want her to get everything out of this that she can. What can you do to make this happen?

Your pet will need you to take the time to think about how you can offer her ways to enjoy herself while also interacting with the rest of the family. This will mean making sure you are aware of her preferences and habits so you can better grasp what will be needed to keep her comfortable. Offer her your full attention when you play with her, lots of space to move around, and some toys to help enhance the experience. Your nearest vet clinic Murrieta CA can help you care for your pet.

Your cat’s basic needs

Your cat is a big part of your life and you want to make sure you are able to meet her needs right from the moment she enters into your home. How can you do this?
Your cat’s basic needs will require some supplies, so be sure to evaluate these and find reasonable ways to meet them. This will mean taking a good, hard look at her dietary requirements, bedding needs, toy requirements, and additional aspects of care like flea prevention and brushing her. Your pet will also need you to care for her safety by removing hazards from your home and setting up your living space in a way that she will be able to easily navigate through to find her belongings, meet her needs, and have some fun. For additional information on looking after your pet, please contact your local animal hospital Murrieta CA.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Teaching your dog to trust you

You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to understand that teaching her to trust you will take some time. How can you begin this process?

Your little fur ball will likely enjoy spending her time with you and you want to make sure you are able to offer her consistency in her care. This will help her learn that she can count on you. As she is getting to know you better, she will grow to trust you more and more. It will take plenty of time, lots of patience, and some persistent care, but she will eventually understand that all your efforts are designed to help her. This knowledge will not only enhance your relationship, but it will also help her learn to trust you over time. Your certified veterinarians Lewisville TX can offer additional suggestions.

Dog house basics


Sharing your life with a canine companion means that you get to take the time to enjoy plenty of new items coming into your home. While a dog house may stay in the yard, it is still a new addition for your little fur ball to enjoy.

In order to choose a dog house for your pet to make the most of, you will need to think about what you can do to give her everything that will meet her needs in this space. She will utilize her dog house to enjoy a space of her own in the great outdoors and this will mean making sure you are able to make it comfortable for her to do so. Your pet will need you to think about a potential option’s ability to keep her out of the elements and give her enough space to move about as well. For additional information, please contact your local vet clinic Lewisville, TX.

Calicivirus Infection In Cats


Calicivirus infections in cats mainly affect the respiratory system. The infectious is highly contagious and it can easily spread from one cat to another in places where cats are in close proximity with each other, such as in multi-cat households, catteries, shelters, cat shows, or breeding facilities. The main route of transmission is via direct contact with an infected cat. Another viable route is via contact with contaminated objects and surfaces in the environment.

Calicivirus cannot easily be eliminated from a cat’s immediate environment as they are very resistant to most household disinfectants. This means that if the infection is present, the virus may be present in the environment for a significant length of time especially when conditions are favorable for their growth and reproduction. 

Cats suffering from calicivirus infection display symptoms that indicate a problem in the upper respiratory tract. Prominent symptoms include sneezing, discharges from the eyes and nose, congestion, loss of appetite, lethargy, and fever. The infection may also affect the joints causing lameness in affected cats. Ulcers may form inside the mouth, nose, and lips of the cat. Talk to your veterinarian Oconomowoc WI about the best way to protect your pet against the infection.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

How Spaying And Neutering Help Save Dogs and Cats


Have you seen the abundance of pet dogs and cats in animal shelters or rescue facilities shown on the news on TV or the number of pet dogs and cats for sale in animal shops and online stores? There is a likely overpopulation of pet dogs and cats these days (due to the growing number of breeders and perhaps the lack of available good-paying jobs), and there must be something done about this. One way we can make a significant reduction in this overpopulation of pet dogs and cats is by doing spaying and neutering. Experts also recommend doing these procedures to most pet cats and dogs. These medical procedures remove, partially or completely, the reproductive organs of cats and dogs. Spaying is a procedure done in female cats and dogs, while neutering is done in male dogs and cats. The good thing is, spayed and neutered cats and dogs get medical and behavioral benefits as well.

If you have any questions about spaying and neutering, don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian Eau Claire WI

Teaching others to interact with your hamster

You have a hamster in your life who needs you to be there with her in order to make the most of each and every day. How can you help others enjoy some time with her too?

Your pet needs you to be aware of the fact that a lot of people have never interacted with a pet like yours and even those that have don’t know your specific furry friend. Take the time to explain her preferences and boundaries to those that want to get to know her and then be sure to offer plenty of guidance. Help your hamster get used to this type of interaction by gradually introducing it to her so she doesn’t feel overwhelmed all at once. Be sure to choose a time of day that she will be receptive to attention as well so she can feel at ease during the process. Your local veterinarian Virginia Beach, VA can offer additional guidance.

More tips can be found at your Barker Animal Hospital, VA.

Keeping your hamster’s cage clean


You have a hamster in your life who needs to be able to comfortably spend time in her enclosure. How can you keep this space clean for her?

Your pet will need you to take the time to think about your hamster’s daily activities so you can determine what areas of her enclosure are likely to need the most attention. You will need to check it over daily so you can spot clean as needed, but she will also need you to completely empty her enclosure from time to time in order to clean and sanitize it. This also gives you the opportunity to add in new pet supplies, like fresh bedding, so she can relax knowing that she can lead a healthy lifestyle in your care. For additional information on looking after your pet, please contact your local vet clinic Virginia Beach VA.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Heartworms Can Kill Your Dog


Dogs can get infected with heartworms if the dog gets bitten by an infected mosquito. Infected mosquitoes acquire the larvae of heartworm (also called the microfilariae) when they suck the blood of heartworm-infected dogs. The larvae of heartworm thrive and mature in the salivary glands of the mosquitoes. From there, the larvae are readily transported to new hosts when the infected mosquitoes go on a feeding or blood-sucking spree. Once inside the new host, the larvae of the heartworm mature inside the tissues of the dog, and then it moves along the bloodstream to the lungs and eventually the pulmonary blood vessels as well as the heart. Once lodged in the dog's heart, adult heartworm can create thousands of microfilariae that can travel through the bloodstream and then eventually siphoned by a new mosquito during a blood-sucking feast, and the cycle repeats. If a dog has a heavy heartworm load in its body, it could have anywhere between 30 to as much as 100 heartworms in the heart and lungs. Work with your veterinarian Pembroke Pines, FL about the best way to protect your pet against heartworms.

Can Wood Be Used As Litter Material For Cats?


Clay litter is popular among cat owners. But did you know that there are other materials that are available in the market? Other materials that can be and are currently being used as cat litter include materials such as coconut husks, walnut shells, wheat, corn, crystals, recycled newspaper, and wood. We'll focus on wood litter in this particular article.

Wood litter can come in various forms. In the past, the early kinds of wood litter were created in pellet form that reduces to pieces or comes apart when it gets penetrated by liquid. In some cases, wood litter comes in the form of granules that are roughly crushed or finely ground and with varying standards of clumping properties. Wood litter products sold in the market are almost always heat-treated because there are several kinds of wood that have oils, allergens, or toxins. The nice thing about wood litter is that emits a fresh scent that can get rid of unwanted odor in the litter box.

Your veterinarian Pembroke Pines, FL is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and behavior.

Or click this link:

What to expect at your cat’s first vet visit


You have a cat in your life who needs you to be aware of her needs time and time again. This means making sure you are able to offer her not only some care at home, but also when she needs it to come from someone outside of the family. This makes you wonder – what should you expect at her first visit to the vet?

Your pet needs you to be aware of her needs in order to understand when it’s time to bring her in to see a veterinarian. Luckily, the initial visit to the vet will be to establish your pet’s care and see what she may need for future attention. She will be examined and you will be asked questions about her health, lifestyle, and background so her vet can get a better understanding of what she needs. For additional information, please contact your local experienced animal hospital Gresham OR.

Should your cat be eating wet or dry food ?


Your cat needs to be able to count on you in order to offer her food that will give her a way to stay both healthy and satisfied. How can you tell if this will take the form of a wet or a dry food option?

Your cat needs to be able to enjoy some food whenever she needs to munch on something and you know that your choices will have to match up with her needs. If you have a healthy adult cat, she will be likely to thrive on dry food. If your pet is a kitten, a senior, or for some reason can’t eat or digest dry food, she will likely need a wet food option when mealtimes roll around. If you are unsure of what to offer her, your pet’s veterinarian can help you find the right option. Your local pet clinic Portland OR can offer additional advice.

When Is A Child Old Enough for A Pet?

Wondering if your child is old enough for a dog or cat? You can always talk to your local vet and find out what it recommended when it comes to a child’s age and a pet. One of the things to consider is how responsible your child is. A six year old may be extremely responsible and ready for a dog or cat while a seven year old may not be. It depends on your child’s personality more than your child’s age. If your child is already helping with chores around the house and is a good helper then he may be old enough to handle a pet. You should also ask yourself how much responsibility your child will need to have when it comes to the dog or cat. If it’s not a lot then the young may be young in age. If a lot is required then you may need to wait until a child is older. Your veterinarian Jacksonville, FL can help you decide or ask your Lakewood Animal Clinic  for further information.

Vaccines for Cats

Did you know that cats need to have vaccines throughout the course of their lifetime whether they are indoor cats or outdoor cats? Some of the vaccines may vary based on age or the region where the cat lives, however, there are basic vaccines that need to be given to cats. Those vaccines are referred to as core vaccines. Your vet can tell you what those are and how those vaccines can help protect your cat. The common core vaccines are vaccines protect against feline distemper, feline calici virus, feline herpes virus type I, and rabies. Cats that may go to the groomers or cats that are boarded may need to have a Bordetella vaccination. Cats living in areas where ticks and Lyme disease are prevalent may also need a Lyme vaccine. Learn more here or call your vet Jacksonville, FL to get a list of vaccines for your cat.

Can Arthritic Cats Benefit From A Change In Diet?


Like in humans and other pets, arthritis is an age-related issue affecting our beloved cats. A lot of modern research studies have revealed the significance and impact of nutrition on the quality of life of arthritic cats and cats that are experiencing other joint-related medical issues. A key aspect of the treatment and control of arthritis in cats, and pets in general, is the constant monitoring and managing of the weight of the cat involved. The weight of an arthritic cat must be kept within the normal, healthy limit in order for the treatment to be successful. Obesity or being overweight will have a lot of impact on the arthritic cat, in terms of pain, undue stress, as well as other symptoms. Aside from the strain and stress put on the body of the arthritic cat by excess weight, there are changes that happen inside the body too (inflammation and pain).

Work closely with your veterinarian Davie, FL in making a weight-loss regimen that will help your overweight cat zap the extra pounds in a healthy manner. 

Make an appointment here:

Herbs To Relieve Anxiety In Cats


Cats are such sensitive creatures that make them more prone to stress and anxiety compared to other animals. Here are some popular herbs that are known for helping calm anxious furballs.

Herbs that are used to help relieve anxiety and bring about a feeling of calm and being relaxed are called ‘calmative herbs’. Here are some of these herbs that are used in cats for the purpose:


The root of the Valerian plant is known for its antispasmodic and carminative activities. It’s great for cats whose anxiety causes them to vomit.


When catnip is ingested, it doesn’t trigger euphoria, instead, it brings on a calming feeling to an anxious cat. The euphoric feeling that most cats get with catnip toys occurs because the herb’s nepetalactone activates the olfactory receptors inside their nose.

Lemon balm

The herb is known for its subtle calming effect.


Passionflowers have chemicals that induce calming and sleep-inducing. The chemicals can also help relieve muscle spasms. It’s great for pets with separation anxiety, fear, jealousy, or even grief.

If you have concerns and/or questions about your pet’s health and/or behavior, call your vet clinic Davie, FL immediately.

Monday, 21 September 2020

How Are Gerbils and Hamsters Different?


Gerbils and hamsters are both considered pocket pets. If you’re choosing a small pet for your child/children or yourself, here are some facts to consider when deciding between a hamster and a gerbil. First, gerbils and hamsters are both from the same rodent family. They are both short and small animals. Hamsters have short stubby tales and are commonly known for their pouch like cheeks. Hamsters also do well living on their own. Both hamsters and gerbils are nocturnal creatures meaning they sleep in the day and play at night. Gerbils, however, have long tails and do not like to be alone. If you’re going to purchase a gerbil, it’s best to have at least two males or two females to keep each other company. Both the hamster and the gerbil live in small spaces and eat greens, veggies, and seeds. Learn more here by calling your vet clinic San Diego, CA.

More details here:

Should You Own Multiple Gerbils?


Did you know that gerbils are social creatures? It is in their nature to always be with a companion or multiple gerbils at a time. If you want to own a gerbil as a pet then you may want to consider purchasing or adopting two gerbils. Having multiple gerbils is really good for the gerbils’ health. Other gerbils can help keep each other company as well as play together, groom each other, and snuggle up and sleep together. Gerbils also comfort one another if they are scared or anxious. Just be sure you get two males or two females unless you’re OK with having babies. In this case a male and female would be fine. Just make sure you have a plan on what to do with all of the babies that will probably come along. To learn more about gerbils and how to keep them as pets, please consult with your veterinarians Carmel Valley.

Grain-Free or Grain-Filled Dog Food?


Ever wonder what the difference is between grain-free dog food and regular dog food (or grain-filled) dog food? Here’s a short explanation. Grain free dog food is dog feed that is free of grain in the ingredients. This may be useful if your dog has food allergies. Some believe this type of food is more of an all natural balanced diet for dogs as well. Grain free does provide health benefits in the supplements and ingredients, however, there is some research that shows grain free can be lacking in protein and other necessary vitamins and minerals. Regular dog food or grain filled dog often contains fillers but it also contains important ingredients that grain free may leave out. The best thing to do is to read the labels on grain free and grain filled and consult with your vet Leesburg, VA on what’s right for your dog.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Do Dogs Really Sense Fear?


There’s a saying that goes along the lines of ‘watch out because dogs can sense fear’. The question is whether or not this is really true. Turns out that it is. Here’s why. Dogs actually sense and even smell fear. In general, dogs are pretty good about reading a person’s body language which can aid them in sensing fear. People that are afraid of dogs tend to freeze up or move slowly or even avoid the dog due to fear. Dogs can sense that from the body language. Dogs can also smell that fear. When people are afraid, anxious, worried or even stressed we tend to give off a particular body odor that dog’s can smell. Some experts believe that dogs can even see the fear or emotions on our faces. The more afraid you are the more the dog may show aggression. You should keep all movements relaxed. Learn more from your vets Anderson, IN.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Why your gerbil needs floor time


Your gerbil is a wonderful friend and you know that she needs some floor time each day. How can you better understand this need so you can help her enjoy it more?

Your gerbil needs to be able to get out of her enclosure and into a wide-open area to spend some time every day. This gives her a chance to exercise in a space that isn’t as confined as her enclosure. She can run faster, cover more ground, and enjoy different activities in this space. Floor time is also the ideal time to give your pet some attention since you will be able to interact with her more easily. The mental stimulation offered from this interaction, the activities she takes part in, and the change of pace will help her enjoy her day a bit more as well. Your local veterinarians Tampa, FL can offer additional suggestions. Or visit this link:

Creating an amazing hamster habitat


You have a hamster in your life who needs you to be there with her day in and day out. she will spend most of her time in your living space and a lot of this will be in her enclosure. How can you make it as amazing as she is?

Take the time to select an enclosure that will be comfortable for your pet and offer her lots of space. This will allow you to place her belongings into this area with her so she can use them. Ensure there is still open space to roam around, and make a point to utilize a natural bedding material so she can feel at ease here. Offer her plenty of ways to play, get some exercise so she can meet her needs, and take the time to keep this area as clean as it can be. For additional information, please contact your local vet clinic Tampa, FL.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Ozone Therapy In Pets -- How Is It Administered?

Ozone therapy is often used as an adjunct to traditional therapies. It’s also used in acute or chronic conditions. It can be administered to the body in several ways, with the route depending on the condition that is present.

     Intravenously by ozonating intravenous fluids -- This route is used for kidney and liver infections, Lyme disease, septicemia, and many more.

     Percolation of the ozone through olive oil and used as an inhalant in incubators -- This is indicated for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections

     Injected directly into the joints to treat local infections or for prolotherapy for problems involving the tendons and ligaments.

     Applied topically on wounds in the form of ozonated olive oil (other types of oils can be used). It can also be applied to the eyes, treat severe stomatitis in cats, and chronic periodontitis in dogs.

     As a urinary insufflation for chronic infections of the urinary tract.

     Infused rectally to treat a variety of gastrointestinal problems, even tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.

     Injected directly into a tumor

     Injecting directly into the bloodstream 

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Fort Myers FL


Ozone Therapy For Dogs And Cats


Ozone therapy has been used in human healthcare for over a century. But it’s only recently introduced to the veterinary world. It is an effective and safe therapeutic technique that is used to treat a wide range of health issues in dogs and cats. The benefits of ozone therapy in pets include:

Treatment of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, yeast, and fungi.
Decreases inflammation.
Stimulated cytokine production which can stimulate and boost the immune system integrity and function.

Ozone therapy is contraindicated or used with caution in the following conditions-- pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, thrombocytopenia, a recent history of internal bleeding, and severe spasms or cramping.

Unfortunately, many veterinarians have not started offering ozone therapy, and also, it is not yet approved by the FDA for use in medical purposes. 

Your professional veterinarian Cherry Hill NJ is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and behavior.

Surgery After-Care For Cats

Pet cats can go through surgery at one time or another, from neutering or spaying to tooth extractions to other types of operations, Taking a proactive part in your pet’s health, especially when he is already home is very important.

Make sure that when your cat gets home from the vet clinic, a room or pen has been prepared for him so he can get enough rest without being disturbed while convalescing. Upon discharge, your veterinarian may have given you instructions on medications that your pet should be given at home. Also, there may be a need for your pet to undergo physiotherapy or other remedies. Be sure to follow the instructions of your veterinarian. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask. If you’re working, you need to make a plan to fit your pet’s care into your daily schedule or routine. If there are medications that should be given at a time when you’re away, have someone else in the household take over, if possible. Your cat will truly be grateful for the extra time and attention you shower him after surgery. There may be a need for your cat to be taken back to the vet clinic for check-ups. If you notice that there is slow progress in your pet’s healing, do refer to your veterinarian Michigan City IN.

Feeding your chinchilla

You have a new chinchilla coming into your life and you want to make sure you are able to offer her lots of love and attention. This means that your pet will need you to take the time to figure out what she needs in order to thrive.

Your chinchilla will need you to take the time to talk with her veterinarian so you can determine the ideal food options for her. This will likely include plenty of hay and some kind of pellet mix. Fresh produce is often likely to be a part of her diet as well. Take the time to think about what you can do to ensure you are offering her the right types of each of these foods and doing so in the ideal portion sizes to meet her needs. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Pasadena, MD.

Finding the Right Pet

If you’re a first time pet owner looking for a dog or cat then it’s important to talk with your local vet first to find out what type of care is involved in caring for a pet. Your vet can also help you decide if you should adopt a pet, purchase a pet, or find a breeder to the particular type of pet you want. Of course, one of the first things you need to decide is whether you want a cat or a dog. If you decide a dog then what type of breed? If you live in an apartment then a small breed may be best. If you live in a house with a big yard then a large breed may work. Of course, if you have small children then you’ll need to make sure you look for a breed that is good with children. Talk to your vet London ON for help deciding.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Do Cats Need Rabies Shots?


Absolutely. You will most likely find that most veterinarians require cats to have a rabies shot. Whether your cat lives inside or outside the vaccination is a must. You never know when your indoor cat may get out or your outdoor cat may encounter a rabid animal while out for a stroll. There are no treatments for rabies. The only way to prevent and treat is to vaccinate. In addition to most vets requiring a rabies vaccine you may also need to check with the animal control or authorities where you live. Some areas are a little lenient when it comes to rabies vaccines while other areas demand paperwork be sent to them to prove your cat has been vaccinated. Your vet should know what the requirements are for your particular area. Ensuring your cat has a rabies vaccines can help ensure your cat’s safety as well as your own. Talk to your vets Aurora, CO to learn more. Or visit this site.

Pet Bath Wipes - Are They Useful?


Pet wipes are a lot like baby wipes and yes they are absolutely useful. How so? Well, if your pet makes a little mess and you want to quickly clean it up then grabbing a pet bath wipe can do the trick especially if you’re in a jam and can’t get back to officially clean it (i.e. with disinfectant) until later. In addition, pet bath wipes are awesome for pets that have a habit of rolling around in the dirt or other smelly stuff outside. Instead of having to give your dog or cat a full bath you can simply use a pet bath wipe to wipe down the fur. Instantly clean and instantly smelling better. Sometimes the pet bath wipes are not enough and a full bath may be needed. Even so, you don’t have to do it right away since the bath wipe has covered it for now. Click for more tips and work with your vet Aurora, CO.

Where should you place your cat's litter box?


Your cat needs a litter box in her life in order to be able to meet her needs and you are happy to provide this to her. However, you know that where you place this essential pet supply item is important as well. How can you determine the ideal place to put her litter box?

Your pet needs to be comfortable in order to utilize her litter box appropriately and this will mean taking the time to figure out what you can do to place it in a space without any deterrents. This means seeking out a spot where she can have some time on her own and a bit of privacy. She will be on the lookout for places to meet her needs within her surroundings, so be sure to put her litter box in a nearby area where she will be able to easily get to it. For additional information, please visit this website Burnsville Parkway Animal Hospital, or contact your local pet clinic Lakeville, MN.

Canine sleep habits


You have a wonderful dog in your life and you want to make sure you are able to understand her to the best of your ability. What should you know about her sleeping habits to help her get the rest she needs to thrive?

Your dog will replenish her energy with several naps throughout the day. This gives her a chance to sleep while also staying aware of what’s happening around her. She will want to sleep near the rest of the family so she can feel at ease since she knows you will look after her. You will notice that she will most likely take the time to rest after expending energy, like after playtime or a walk, or after a good meal. Your local veterinarians Dallas, GA can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Talking about pet care responsibilities with your family

You have a wonderful family who loves being able to interact with furry friends. Now that you have a pet of your very own, you all want to make sure she has what she needs to thrive.

To discuss your pet’s needs with the rest of the family, set up a time when you can all talk openly. Gather your thought ahead of time so you can address all her needs at one time and help everyone see how their efforts can help benefit your pet. Talk about what they are capable of doing on a daily basis and what their schedules are like. This will help you determine the best options for each individual in order to share the responsibility throughout the family instead of having it all fall on one person’s shoulders. Your local animal hospital Helotes TX can help you better understand your pet.

Does your cat enjoy chasing after things?

Sharing your life with a cat means that you get a front row seat to all her antics. This can be very entertaining, but you’d also like to understand why she behaves the way she does. Why does she tend to chase after everything that passes her by?

Your cat may lead a life of comfort in your home, but she still has a strong hunting instinct. This allows her to stay in touch with her wild ancestors and acts as a safety net should she ever need to supply herself with her own food. Stalking, chasing, and pouncing on prey is a part of this and it is often mimicked during playtime. It offers her a way to hone her skills, get some exercise, and have some fun all in one activity. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Mesa AZ.

Signs Of Hypothermia In Reptiles


Hypothermia in pet reptiles occurs when they don’t have a proper source of heat to help regulate their body temperature. In their natural habitat, reptiles primarily depend on the heat from the sun. However, in captivity, exposure to the sunlight may be restricted and there is a need to install a heat lamp inside the reptile’s enclosure.

Without a heat source, the body temperature of a reptile may fall below the normal range and this can eventually lead to signs of illness. Hypothermic reptiles may stop eating and drinking, causing them to lose weight and become dehydrated. The reptile’s eyes may appear sunken as a result of dehydration and loss of fat that usually accumulates behind their eyes. Their eyes may also appear closed and their skin wrinkled from fat and water loss. The spines on their back and their ribs become more prominent as they continue to lose weight. Lizards may lie flat on their bellies and their legs stop pushing. Snakes may stop slithering, and turtles may stop swimming. Hypothermic tortoises stay enclosed in their shells and become still.

Signs of illness exhibited by your pet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian London, ON. Read more here.

What Can Make Your Cat Gag

Are you aware of gagging in cats? Do you know what causes gagging in cats? Have you seen your cat gag before? Cats may gag whenever their own senses are overwhelmed by various factors such as laundry products, an undesirable taste, strong smell or scent when they ate something toxic, or some other issues that can bring about a gagging reflex. Aside from these, the following are potential reasons why cats would gag:

Scented litter or litter box liners

Cats have a very strong sense of smell and they would stop using a pan or litter box that is scented or an unscented litter box that has scented litter or liners.

Vaping or cigarette

Are you aware that ash from cigarettes or smoke residues can easily cling on to the cat's hair coat or fur? If they lick or groom themselves, they would ingest these ash or smoke residues as well, and this can cause gagging.


Frequent and persistent gagging exhibited by your cat should warrant an emergency trip to your animal hospital Goodyear AZ.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Common Skin Problems In Cats


Skin problems are among the top issues for visits to the vet. The skin, being the largest organ in the body, reflects the overall health of your cat. Skin problems are often manifested by constant itching, chewing, and licking, the formation of scabs or scaly patches, hair loss, rashes, skin discoloration, lumps and bumps, and oozing skin lesions.

Some of the top causes of skin problems in cats include the following:

  • External parasites - Fleas, ticks, and mites are all important causes of intense itching. Some cats are allergic to flea saliva and can suffer from persistent itching.
  • Ringworm - It’s a fungal infection that is highly contagious and causes itching, scaly patches, and hair loss. Ringworm lesions are commonly seen on the cat’s head, paws, and ears.
  • Seasonal allergies - Itching and scratching can be triggered when a hypersensitive cat is exposed to seasonal allergens like mold and pollen.

Signs of a potential skin problem should warrant an appointment with your vet clinic London, ON. Visit this website Oakridge Animal Clinic for additional details.

Keeping your dog comfortable on hot days

Your dog needs your help in order to make the most of her daily activities and you know she won’t be able to enjoy herself if she is too hot. How can you help her stay comfortable on days like this?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to get outside each day, so take the time to give her plenty of opportunities to do so when it is cooler throughout the day. Be sure to offer her appropriate activities to beat the heat and keep a close eye on her in order to ensure that she doesn’t overheat. Be sure to offer her time out of the sunshine and lots of fresh water to enjoy. Your pet also needs you to make sure you are bringing her inside often so she can cool off. Your local vet North Dallas, TX can offer additional advice.