Did you know that your dog can hurt his paw pads by walking on hot pavement? Some dog owners may find themselves looking for ways to protect their dog’s feet from the bitter cold and sand treated walkways in the winter. But it’s important to protect the dog’s feet from the extremely hot pavement during the warm months too. It’s true that a dog’s paw pads are tough when it comes to walking on various surfaces, but they are still prone to injury especially if walking on hot pavement or concrete. Place your hand on the pavement first to see if it’s too hot to walk on. Look for signs that your dog’s paw pads have been harmed in the heat. Signs include limping or refusing to walk, excessive chewing or licking of the feet, dark colors of the pads, missing parts of the pads or even blisters and redness. Contact your vets Plano, TX to learn more.